Chapter 11 - Back To The Insane Asylum We Go

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All of the girls get up and start walking towards the door, but as they're about to open it, the see an envelope on the floor that says 'Hanna, Spencer, Emily, Aria & Alison' Spencer picks up the envelope and opens it. It was a picture of Melissa with a bit of red writing in the corner, the girls assumed it was the last part of the board game and when they would put it on the board, it would make the word A out of all the pictures. So Spencer put it in her bag and all of the girls walked out of the bell tower, on their way to see CeCe at Radley...

It had now been half an hour since the girls had found out that Melissa was A.D. and they have just arrived at Radley. Spencer parks her car right around the back of the parking lot so that nobody notices that they are there and no questions get asked. Hanna, Spencer, Aria, Emily & Alison all walk in unison, standing side by side, to the front door of Radley. 

"I can't believe they changed Radley back to an insane asylum."

"Yeah Em, hello, my Mom was the manager and creator of the Radley hotel, and since she isn', they can't keep it open, so they had no other option."

"Hanna, I'm sorry--"

"No its okay, I know what you were trying to say its just I still can't believe she's gone. There are days where I feel like it was all my fault, I am on my own and I don't have anyone turn to. But there are also days where I know that is was a horrible thing what happened but she is in a better place now."

All the girls hug Hanna and let them know that they are all there for her no matter what. After what felt like a lifetime of hugging, the girls walk to front door of the Radley Sanitarium and go inside. Once they walk inside, they can feel the sudden change in atmosphere. Something seemed off. Everything was quiet and nobody was walking around the hallways. The girls walked up to the lady at the front desk and asked her if they could see CeCe, however the lady had a very confused look on her face almost as if CeCe wasn't admitted to Radley. So Alison says,

"She is called Charlotte Drake, and one of our friends said that she was admitted here." 

Then the lady replied with,

"Ahh okay, let me just check the system for Charlotte Drake. Let me says here that Charlotte hasn't been a patient here for 4 years now. She left in way back in 2014 as the doctors said that she had improved massively."

The lady's face then suddenly changed and she said,

"Wait, this doesn't seem right. I am just going to go to our filling cabinet that we keep out back and check our records. I won't be long."

The girls walk back to their seats and sit back down, anxiously waiting for the lady to come back. The suddenly all hear the front door to the asylum open and they looked to see who it was. It was a girl with long brown hair, with curls at the bottom. A black hat, red lip and black sunglasses. The girl was talking to someone on the phone and instantly Spencer recognised the voice and whispered to the other girls,


All the girls got up and slowly followed her to wherever she was going. After following CeCe for 10 minuets straight, they come to a dead end. CeCe opens up a trap door and carries on walking. The liars follow her and once they get inside, they see CeCe sitting down talking to someone. Hanna shouted,


After she said that, the other girl CeCe was talking to turned around, and by the girls surprise, it was Mona.

"Oh my god, Mona."

All the girls sit down and start talking to both CeCe and Mona. Asking them millions of questions trying to figure all of this out...

"Mona, were you ever on the A.D. team or did you ever help Melissa?" Hanna asks 

"Yes. Yes I was and I did help Melissa but then it got too far."

"So you've known all along who AD was and you didn't think to tell us?"

"Spencer, Melissa stole my life from me when she crowned me Rosewood's biggest loser. And she was so convincing, that even I started to believe her. I had to do something to prove to her that I wasn't what she said I was and that I have changed."

"You've changed Mona, so that means you can change again. Will you help us get rid or at least stop Melissa?"

"Look I know I owe you guys for everything, and being away from Rosewood and has given me time to think and its helped me make up my mind. I really want to help all of you guys, I really do, but i'm already number one on her hit list. If Melissa finds out that I'm siding with you guys, I'm afraid to think of how far she'd go to stop me. She can change me back to being the biggest loser that has ever stepped foot in this town."

"Mona, are you really that scared of her?"

"Yes Aria, I am. Aren't you?"

Then there was silence...CeCe interrupted the silence, stood up and said to everyone,

"If you all want to get rid of Melissa, I have the perfect plan."

"You, Jason, Adylinn and my sister were apparently going to run this town. That was the plan all along, so what's changed."

"Melissa has done some pretty crazy things to me to. Just because that was our plan, doesn't mean that it was all perfect. We had a lot of disagreements and arguments about what to do. I'm over it, I've been A and look where that got me. I joined Melissa on the A.D. team and now look where that got me. Back into an asylum which I left 4 years ago. I can't live like this anymore. It's time that bitch goes down."

"CeCe, how are we meant to know that this isn't a trap?"

"Hanna, you want to believe me? fine, you don't want to believe me? also fine. The only person you guys are going to hurt are yourselves."

All the girls look at each other and decided to trust CeCe and let her help them stop Melissa. It was now closing time for Radley, so all the five liars walked out the front door but just before they left, Alison said to CeCe,

"I've missed you so much. Please, don't ever do anything like this ever again."

CeCe then hugs Alison and she walks off. All the girls get back into the car and drive back home to the hotel room where they are staying and they go to the game. They place the picture with all of the other ones and the board game lights up one last time and it says,

'Congratulations, you've finished the game and found me. Game over Liars...for now!'

After the girls have completed the game, they all go to bed... Meanwhile, in Radley.

"Mona, I'll be back in a minute, just going outside to make a quick call."

"Okay CeCe."

CeCe goes outside, around the back of the Radley Sanitarium, dials a phone number and calls them,

"Hello, you there."

"Yes, I'm here Charlotte."

"Good. The girls think that I am working with them against you."

"Good that's exactly what we want." 

"I'll see you soon Melissa, those girls are going to get whats coming to them..."

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