Chapter 12 - Mental State Of Mind

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{The Next Day}:

All the girls woke up at 10am and decided that they wanted to go and see CeCe to see if she could tell them the plan on how to stop Melissa. Hanna, Aria, Emily, Alison and Spencer all got into the car and drove back to Radley. Once they arrived, they went to the place where they last saw Mona and CeCe and then talked to them about the plan. CeCe ran Mona and the girls through the plan a couple times and then by that time, it was go time. CeCe, Mona and the others sat in a van. All of them sat in the back and CeCe drove.


It was now an hour into the journey when CeCe told the girls that they have arrived. All the girls including Mona had blindfolds on as CeCe told them that it they wouldn't be visible to any one. So everyone started walking, and they were walking on this long bridge, following Charlotte's voice and then they stopped and were asked to take their blindfolds off, and once they did, they weren't expecting the outcome...

All the girls were standing on this huge yacht, surrounded by water. CeCe quickly locked them on there so that they wouldn't be able to get off, but that didn't stop the girls from trying. They tried everything, shouting and screaming but no body could hear for miles as they were in the middle of no where. Once the girls had stopped trying, they all sat down in the middle, all huddle together trying to figure out the plan of action before they heard a voice coming closer to them,

"Well, well, well. What do we have here"

"Melissa." says Spencer, in an angry yet confused tone

"What are we doing here?"

"Well Hanna, you see, I gave you loads of warnings that the game wasn't over yet. Firstly I told you that I'm not done with you guys yet and then secondly, the board game told you guys that you won the game, for now. I mean didn't you understand that it wasn't over?"

"Melissa, why are we on a boat in the middle of no where?"

"Because I couldn't of picked a better way to end your guys's story."

"You're crazy. They should've sent you to Radley not Spencer."

"I guess craziness runs through the family isn't that right Melissa. I don't know why I was ever sent to Radley because--"

"I made you go crazy Spencer. All of those times where you thought that you were going crazy, I did that. I tricked you into believing things that weren't even real."

"You're sick, Melissa. Let's see what CeCe has to say about--"

"Wait guys, where the hell is CeCe?"

"CeCe was always on my side, this was our plan all along. After you guys left Radley last night, she called me straight after and told me that you trusted her and that you guys and CeCe were going to work together to get rid of me. Me and CeCe go way back, don't you realise that she wouldn't ever betray a friend."

"So that's who she was on the phone to last night?"

"Yes Mona, she was talking to me. And if any of you girls try to stop me or CeCe, you'll regret it. It's gonna end here and it's gonna end tonight."

"So what do you plan on doing to us exactly?"

"Well Alison, since you're the leader of the group, we'll start with you first. How far is it down to the ocean from here... about 70/80 feet maybe? I'm sure you would survive as its only water, but what if I had shot you first and then thrown you off?"

All of the girls scream "NO" to Melissa, stand up and they run towards her trying to get the gun out of her hand. Once Emily knocks the gun out of Melissa's hand, she trows it into the sea. All of the girls could see that Melissa's rage was budding up inside of her and they were scared of what she might do, so all the girls ran away from her calling Charlotte's name to try and get her to save them. After that didn't work out, they turned back around to see Melissa still building up with anger and rage after Emily threw her gun.

"Did you really think that just because you threw my gun overboard that I wouldn't be able to stop you? Well think again because things are just about to get worse and--"

Hanna interrupts Melissa and whispers to all of the girls,

"Can you guys smell burning"

And of the girls respond with "Yeah" so the girls try and look behind Melissa and they all see a fire. Alison screams and tells Melissa and the others to watch out. All of the five girls stood up and ran towards the end of the yacht. They climbed the metal fence that CeCe locked them up with and jumped off into the sea. Once they had risen from under the water, they looked up at the boat and all they could see was a blaze of fire, ripping through the boat. In the corner of Mona's eye, she saw CeCe on a rowing boat coming to rescue them, all the girls were shouting,


and then once CeCe had gotten them into the rowing boat, and they all had a chance to breathe, CeCe rowed the boat back to the bay where they got off. Once they girls had gotten off the boat, they sit on the dock and watch the yacht burst into flames. As the yacht was still on fire, the girls tried to search to see if Melissa was anywhere in the ocean, in need of help, but there was no sign of her. Spencer then says to the other girls,

"Oh my god, did anyone see Melissa jump off the boat?"

Everyone shook their heads, so Spencer jumped back into the water and as she was about to swim towards the yacht, it burst into flames and with a matter of seconds, there was nothing left of it...

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