"My first party here, so I should make sure to look good, yeah?"

He gave a silent nod. He knew what she meant about looking good, but part of him, the protective next-door neighbor-boy part, wanted her to be completely covered up. He wanted to protect her from all the guys he knew they would be seeing. And yeah, they were his brothers, but some of them were real slimy. He didn't voice this to Anna, though, as she perused her wardrobe and took a handful of things with her into the bathroom.

Harry could remember the first time she insisted on changing in the bathroom. It was in middle school, maybe seventh grade. They had grown up next door to each other for their whole lives, their moms set up sleep overs whenever they asked or when one set of parents wanted to go out on a date night. And they had never been shy around each other. Stood on other ends of the room maybe, but not especially shy. But in middle school, things started to change. Her chest started to grow, and she started to wear bras. She started getting periods and complaining about them to Harry, who truly couldn't understand. And he started getting morning wood after sleep overs and embarrassing random puberty boners all day long.

It was after one of those – one of the embarrassing puberty boners - that she started changing in another room. They were at a school dance, not even really touching each other as they bounced and sang along with music. When a slow song came on, he could tell she was nervous. So, he grabbed her hand and they started to sway back and forth. It was a bit awkward, like middle school dances always tend to be. But it was made even more awkward when at the end of the song Anna went to hug him, pressing her body in close, and she jumped back after feeling something hard against her stomach. He wasn't even horny, or so he claimed. Never thought of her in that way up until that moment either. Not that he would admit, anyway. Neither of them said anything, haven't spoken of it since. But that night, after the dance when they went back to his house for a sleep over, Anna grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

Harry sat, waiting on her bed for Anna to come out in each outfit so he could approve or deny her. As an art major, Harry had a good sense of style. As someone who grew up wearing T shirts every single day, Anna didn't.

The first outfit spoke true to this. She stepped out wearing a pair of jeans and one of her favorite T shirts. It was a little bit of a boat-neck, but it didn't show off very much. He told her it looked like she was getting ready to go to the library and study, so she chuckled and went back into the bathroom.

The second outfit was a bit closer to the end goal. She wore a pair of black leggings with a tank top that was just low enough to show off her chest nicely. Harry tried hard not to stare, but it was difficult. She had always been beautiful, but she had really grown into herself in the last two or three years since they moved out of their parent's houses. Still, she looked a bit casual, so he sent her back for a third try.

"Ok listen, I've never worn this shirt before but my friend from last year made me buy it and promise to at least try it on, ok?" Harry cocked his head, not sure what kind of shirt could warrant that kind of warning, but he confirmed he would never judge her. She walked out wearing black crushed-velvet leggings and a crop top. The top had long sleeves and a deep V. It wasn't exactly skin tight, but it wasn't as loose as she normally wore either. He could see in her eyes that she was nervous, especially when she looked down at her feet and covered her exposed skin with her arms.

"What do you think? Is this ok or should I wear something else? I have a bunch of other options I just-"

"Yes, yeah, I um...definitely you should wear that. Looks nice. Makes you look...nice." He started to blush just a little bit, but she didn't seem to notice. She just nodded her head and walked over to that last box he had carried in which contained her shoes.

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