"I was with Zed all day. And, u just ruined him. If he becomes depressed, it's gonna be on u. And don't be surprised if he gets with anyone who will love him and only him." Addison said ignoring Erika's question.

Erika ran out the gym crying.

"Addison! I said cheer her up. Not cheer her down!" Bucky said.

Erika ran to Zombie town hoping to see Eliza.

Erika ran and saw Eliza saying bye to her mom.

Eliza saw Erika and she ran to her.

Eliza and Erika hugged.

"I ruined everything." Erika cried.

"Can u cry later. Mom is right there. Come say good bye." Eliza said.

Erika wiped her tears away and the two walked to their mother.

"Hi mom" Erika said hugging her mom.

"Hi sweetheart. U ok?" Her mom asked.

"Yea." Erika answered.

"Well I have to go. Bye" Her mom said.

"Bye" the two girls said.

Her mom left.

"Zed told me that he broke up with u." Eliza said and Erika started crying again.

"My life feels like it's falling apart" Erika said and sat on the steps of her house.

"Give Zed some time and then he will realize that u love him. And only him" Eliza said and Erika nodded.

"I'll give u a minute" Eliza said and went inside the house.

Zed looked out his window with tears streaming down his face.

Zed saw Erika get out her phone wiping her tears.

Zed heard his phone ringing and went to get his phone.

He saw it was Erika.

He didn't know wether to answer or not.

He grabbed his phone and walked to the window.

"Plz answer. Plz answer" Erika said.

Zed didn't answer and looked at Erika.

She threw her phone and cried.

Erika looked up at Zeds window and Zed hid quickly.

He leaned his back on the wall hiding from Erika.

Zed then looked out the window and saw Zoey walking to Erika.
Zoey walked up to Erika.

"Hi Erika" She said.

"Hi Zoey" Erika said wiping her tears.

"Are u ok?" Zoey asked and Erika shook her head.

Zoey gave Erika a hug and Erika hugged back.

"I saw Zed come home crying too. What happened?" Zoey asked.

"Um... nothing u have to worry about. High school drama" Erika said giving her a small smile.

"Ok. Wanna come in for a while" "That's ok. I'm good out here" Erika said.

"Ok" Zoey said and went inside her house.

"Um... Erika. I have to go to Zeds house. I'm staying over there. Are u gonna leave or stay here for awhile?" Eliza asked.

"Idk. I don't want to go home." Erika said. I'm

"Why not?" "Addison. Plz don't ask" Erika said.

Eliza then got a text. "Oh. Shoot. Um... can u take my things to Zeds house. I have a date with Bucky." Eliza said going back inside to change into something nice.

Erika just watched as Eliza rush in the house to get ready.

After a few minutes Eliza cane running out and running to the entrance of Zombie town.

Erika sighed.

She took Eliza's things to the front door of Zeds house.

Luckily, instead of Zed, it was his dad.

"Hi. Um... since Eliza is staying here she wanted me to bring this over. Right now she went some where." Erika said with a smile.

"Well I'll be sure to take this up to Zeds room. U want to join us for dinner?" Zevon asked and Zoey stood next to her dad.

"No. I'm fine. Thank u" Erika said.

"No. Come on." Zevon said.

"Plz" Zoey said giving the puppy eyes.

"Um... ok"  Erika said and walked in the house.

"Zed! Come down here!" Zevon called.

Zed didn't answer nor did he come down.

"Zed! Get down here before I drag u down here" Zevon yelled.

"Sorry" Zevon said to Erika.

Zed went down the stairs with puffy eyes.

Zed looked at Erika and was not happy.

"Let's have dinner" Zevon said and walked to the dining room.
Here is another chapter! Sometimes I feel like I don't give u guys enough appreciation.

But I am kinda having some writers block. So if u guys can just comment some ideas of what could happen.

Plz vote and comment.

Much love

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