The Training grounds

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You were slouched up in your chair in your Lion, wearing the Paladin armour. You were waiting.

You went early on to your Lion, so you wouldn't run into anyone on your way. You just really wanted to be by yourself. And if you could have, you would have stayed in your room. But you were a Paladin and you had training to do.

You took a deep breath. And your Lion purred to you. "I know, I'm just messed up today." You said, letting out a shivering sigh. "So, what do you think of the Red Lion?" You then asked and let out a small laughter, almost like you were mocking yourself. And your Lion growled quietly. "They both are." You chuckled as you answered her.

Then you covered your eyes with your hands as you felt the anxious beating of your heart. "I do like him." You sighed as you shook your head. And your Lion purred softly. "You too?" You said a bit surprised as you couldn't help but smile.

Just then Coran's face appeared on your holographic screen. "Alright Paladins, we are closing in on the Karthulian system and planet Griezian Sur. Is everyone ready?" Coran asked. And you heard confirmations from everyone. "Alright. I'll meet you down there." Coran said as his face disappeared from your screen.

Your Lions soared out of their hangars. And when you were out, you saw a large green planet before you. "Can you tell us anything about what will be waiting for us down there?" Shiro asked as you started approaching the planet. "Yes. The planet is full of thick forests, similar to your rainforests on Earth. It's mostly hard to navigate, but the temple is easy to find." Coran explained.

Just then some large objects appeared before you. You startled as you evaded one just in time. "Whoa, what are those!?" Keith exclaimed on the intercom. And hearing him made you again realise that you had to see him soon. There was no way around it. And you let out a deep sigh. You started to feel slightly anxious.

"Oh, those are just Wabbles. Nothing to worry about. But if you touch them, they'll explode. So I suggest you don't." Coran said in a cheerful voice. "Coran? Nothing to worry about?" You sighed as you realised that the large objects had now pretty much surrounded you. They resembled beetles of some sorts, just larger in size. And there were probably hundreds of those between you and the planet.

"What the hell Coran, there's so many of them!?" Hunk complained, yelling. And you felt kind of bad for him. He used to say that he was the worst pilot of you all, even though it was still no picnic for you either. You still weren't that confident about your piloting skills, but you just had to somehow maneuver your way through those.

So you took a deep breath and concentrated. "You think we can get through?" You asked your Lion. And she roared defiantly. "Alright, let's do this." You still said just as she suddenly warned you about one Wabble coming your way. You quickly pulled the handles to evade it. "Thanks girl! I knew I can count on you." you said as you evaded another one. And soon you were starting to get the hang of it.

Just then you heard an explosion. You startled and saw Hunk's Lion swirling away from the Wabble field. "I'm fine!" Hunk immediately yelled with a nauseated voice. Poor Hunk. Keith of course was already on the other side. The others were also doing quite alright.

Then, after a couple of close ups, you finally made it through the field and to the planet's atmosphere. And you actually felt quite proud of yourself. You were getting better all the time.

You landed your Lion to a bare area on the planet's surface. Then you got up from the chair. "Wish me luck." You said to her a little halfheartedly. And then you paused and tried to still your fast beating heart. You knew you had to face Keith, but you were also glad that there were others present too so he couldn't start demanding answers. Cause you had none right now. Then you took a deep breath, lifted your chin up and got out, trying to act normal. You knew Pidge would quickly notice that something was wrong if you acted strangely.

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