"AH FUCK! Who are you?" The person said in a slurred manner, hiccuping in between the words.

Jimin's jaw dropped looking at the godly figure standing in front of him. It was such a shame he was a thief. The person furrowed his eye brows, "W-what are you doing in my house peasant?"

"ME?! YOU'RE ROBBING THE HOUSE! I'M CALLING 911! AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PEASAN— Wait did you just say? Your house?" His small eyes widen watching the other guy struggling to open up the fridge.

"Yes, this is my house! What are you doing here?" The boy hissed drunkly and groaned, kicking the bottom part of the fridge. "Argh! Open up you stupid piece of shit! How dare you defy Min Yoongi! I own you!"

It's like a large stone was thrown at Jimin's head, hitting him to reality. The ungodly man he's currently talking to, is Mr. Min's son, the beast! He dropped his feather duster on the floor in shock. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for hitting you sir! I thought you wear a robber or something! What are you doing at this hour?" He bowed down multiple times.

The latter ignored him and still continued to fight the inanimate object. Jimin could smell the strong scent of alcohol irking from him. "D-Did you drink all night sir?"

"It's none of your business peasant! Who are you anyway?! Get out of my face, ugly!"

Jimin gritted his teeth and his eyes twitched. This guy was already getting in his nerves, and they just met five minutes ago. If this continues, he doesn't know if he could survive that long! He wore a fake smile, not wanting to make a first bad impression to his boss (Although his boss already made a bad impression to him). He doesn't plan on leaving that quick, not without even getting his first salary. "Uh, I'm your personal assistant sir. Your dad hired me to— Uhm, are you listening?"

"Open sesame! Abracadabra! Alohamora!" Yoongi drunkly muttered while acting as if he was doing a magic trick.

"Uh your dad hired me to look out—"

"You wanna play tough huh? Let's see what you're gonna do when I kick your freezer!"

"—for you! Ah sir!" Jimin held his arm's stopping him from destroying the fridge. He didn't want to get his pay cut right before his very first day at the job.

"Yah! Let me go! Imma teach this fridge a lesson!"

"Sir! Sir wait, what is your business with the fridge anyway?" Jimin muttered, struggling to hold the male in his arms.

"I just want cold water damn it! But this fridge is being a pain in the ass and doesn't want me to have it! Fucking selfish!" Yoongi glared at the object and threw imaginary punches at it.

Jimin settled the drunk male down on the chair while the other's head hung low. He sighed and opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and poured it to a glass before handing it to the half-awake boy. "Uh sir, here's your water."

Yoongi's head shot up and stared at Jimin with his one eye closed. He was giving him a weird look as if he was trying to remember something important. His face went closer to Jimin's, examining his face thoroughly. Jimin laughed awkwardly, waving his hand in front of the other's face. "Uh, are you okay?"

'Oh gosh! This boy is making me crazy! Stop looking at me like that!' Jimin shouted in his head.

"Su... ran?"

"No, I'm Jimin. Ji-min. J-I-M-I— Ah!"

The gap between them disappeared.

I had fun making this chap really! Lmao it's so fun the way those two has different personalities in this book ❤️ I'm so proud of myself~

A/n:I had fun making this chap really! Lmao it's so fun the way those two has different personalities in this book ❤️ I'm so proud of myself~

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