Chapter 8

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December 31st, 2017.
I had invited Shriya and her family for dinner at my house. I had invited Purvi and Sarthak too, but they had plans with Purvi's family. Well, inviting them was just a formality. I was actually glad that they weren't coming .
I had cooked the dinner. They arrived in the evening. Shriya was looking gorgeous.
We all had dinner together. Shriya's father said, "Daughter, you're quite lucky. Piyush can cook." Everyone laughed.
"Don't worry dad, we'd take turns." Shriya said. "Right Piyush?"

"Sure. Why not?" I said.

"What are your future plans Piyush?" Mom asked.

"It's a surprise." I said. Everyone looked at me.

"And marriage?" Dad asked.

"We'll think about it." Shriya said.

"Listen Shriya, whenever we decide to get married, please don't quite your job."
I said.

"Well I wasn't planning on doing that." Shriya said, with child like innocence, the innocence I had fallen for.

Everyone laughed. It was about 23:30. Shriya told me about a ritual which was followed in her house. On the night of 31st, after the dinner, everyone would give a speech about how the year has been.

Dad got up, and started speaking.
"This year has been great for me, and my family too. My daughter, Shriya, my son Sarthak, My wife, Sonia, Purvi, the new family members, Mrs. Suhani Arora, and her grandson, Piyush. I just want to thank all of you for being a part of my life. Happy New Year."

Mom started speaking, "This year has been an amazing one. I'm blessed to have Piyush and Mrs. Arora in our lives and as a part of our family. Rest, Mr. Bhasin has said already." She laughed and sat down.

It was Grandma's turn.
"2017, it just gave me new friends, new family members, and an amazing girl like Shriya." Her eyes were wet. She sat down.

Shriya stood up.
"I just have to say, that this year, made me believe that wishes do come true. I realized that love actually is something. I realized that my family is the best family in the world. My Father, Mr. Raman Bhasin, is the best man in this world. Don't mind Piyush, but you're the second best man....."

I smiled..

Shriya continued, "I have my grandma with me now, I have a family. I just feel so blessed. I love all of you." She said.
There were tears in everyone's eyes.

"Piyush, your turn." Dad said.

"Can I take you guys somewhere? 15 Minutes are left of this year. It's just a few minutes ride.
We got in Shriya's car. I asked everyone to put blindfolds on their eyes.
I drove the car to my destination. I stopped, and assisted everyone out of the car. I asked everyone to remove the blinds. It was all dark around. I checked the time, it was 23:55 P.M.

"Be patient, and listen to me." I said.
"2017 has been a really lucky year for me. I found Shriya, I found a family, I have my grandma. Grandma, you've always been there for me. And you've done a lot for me. Of course I can't return you everything, but on this new year, I'd like to gift you something."

I checked my watch. "3..... 2..... 1....."
The lights were turned on. I had brought them to my new house. Everyone looked at the big house. It was not a bungalow, but it was a big and lavish house.
There were skyshots in the sky. Everyone wished a very happy new year to everyone. Grandma looked at the name plate. She read it out loud, "Suhani's."
I opened the door, and let everyone in. The first one to come in was grandma. I had the house fully furnished.
She looked at the wall, and saw pictures of mom, dad and grandpa, nicely framed.
Grandma looked at me. Her eyes were teary. She hugged me. She kissed my forehead. I asked them to see the house.
Grandma was standing near the pictures and was praying. Shriya's mom and dad were admiring the house. Shriya stood right next to me. "Your new house is so good."
"It's our house." I said.
Shriya couldn't resist. She kissed me on my cheek. "You're always surprising me. I love you Piyush." She whispered in my ear. "I love you too." I said.

I showed them the rest of the house.

Everyone was really happy. I had also purchased a new SUV, which was parked in the garage. I had been planning to buy the house for a few years. I had invested in share market, and used my profit plus savings to buy the house and the new car. I still owned my apartment. I had bought new sarees for grandma too, which I had kept neatly in her closet.
I told this to everyone. I also told them that I've also invested in the construction of a friend's restaurant, so it's 50% mine. In short, apart from my job, I was still making a lot of money. I'd been making money for quite some time now. And now, I felt like I had everything I ever dreamt of.

At around 2:00 in the morning, Shriya's family left. I and grandma stayed there.
It was a Monday on January 1, yet it was a holiday for us. I had arranged a 'Havan' for our new house, on 1st.

Before she went to sleep, grandma called me to her room. Her eyes were wet. She hugged me. "You're the best." She said. I hugged her back.

"After your parents and grandpa passed away, I lived in constant fear, that one day, you'd leave me outside an old age home.. I'm sorry beta." She said.
I was taken aback for a while, but then I understood grandma's insecurities. I just said, "Never."

She went to sleep.

I talked to Shriya for a while, and then, I too went to sleep.

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