Chapter 18

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"So, you didn't die?" Clark asks Jodie as they are walking down the hallway of the Luthor Mansion.

"No, Clark!" Jodie almost wants to yell. "Why does people always say 'dead' whenever they're around me?"

They finally reach the Library. Jodie and Lex run to each other and give a never ending hug.

"I think I should go." Clark says, walking towards the door.

"Clark, wait," Lex says, once he and Jodie separate. His arms are around her shoulder and her hand is on his chest.

Clark turns around.

"Thank you." Lex says, Jodie and Lex smiles at him

Clark smiles back and nods before exiting the library.

When he's sure that nobody can see him, he super-speeds his way back home.

- - - - -

Clark reaches home and enters the kitchen to see his mom, Martha Kent, baking cookies.

"Hey, mom." He greets. Martha looks up from the old oven.

"Oh hey, Clark." She greets back. Clark's dad, Jonathan Kent, entered the room.

"Hey, son, I could like you to help me with the tractor," he says to Clark. "And hurry up, sweetheart, because those cookies smell delicious!" Martha smiles at him.

Clark and Jonathan exited the house and went to the tractor.

"Okay, son, lift it up." Jonathan commands. Clark lifts the front part of the tractor and Jonathan goes below it then fixing it.

"It's kinda nice having a son that is from another planet." Jonathan says.

Clark is from another planet that he doesn't know the name himself. Jonathan and Martha found him on the field on the day of the meteor shower and thought they could adopt him. Clark has extraordinary powers. Although, Clark never knew or saw his biological parents.

- - - - -

Jodie just finished taking a shower. She is facing the bathroom mirror and suddenly remembers her powers. She commands but nothing happened. She tries again but nothing happened. Then she feels something go up her brain like last time and then her head hurts.

She ignores the pain and change into a white tank top and green sweat pants. She walks to her room and she still have the pain in her head. She start to feel dizzy. When she falls down to the floor, unconscious, she hits the lamp, making a big noise.

Lex heard the noise and walk upstairs to check on Jodie.

He knocks on the door. "Jodie?" He calls out but no answer. With panic, he opens the door and sees her lying on the floor. He picks her up, bridal style, and lays her on the bed. He slips in beside her and they slept together.

- - - - -

Heather went to the Kent Farm so that Clark and her can ride the bus together. She reached the door and knock. When Clark opens the door he is wearing his red checkered shirt, pants and shoes.

"Hey, Heather." He greets with a confused face.

"Hey, Clark." She replies with a smile

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm here so we can ride the bus together." Heather replied.

"Oh, well, I was on my way now."

"Oh, ok."

They both walk holding hands towards the bus stop. Heather feels like Clark is hiding something from her. Maybe she should ask later, she doesn't want to ruin their holding hands moment.

The bus came and they ride the bus together. They see Chloe and Pete seating beside each other and sees two vacant seats behind them. They sit on those two seats behind Chloe and Pete.

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