Chapter 11

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Everyone in Jodie's family is devastated and mourning over her death. Even 3 days feels like a lifetime without her. As Lex is sitting in the Library thinking about Jodie, how she would be if she was alive at that very moment.

The library door opens and Clark comes in. "Lex?" Clark called out.

"You know it's amazing that one second she's here and one second she's not?" Lex ignores Clark, but asks him the question.

"Well, no." Clark replies.

"I had my treasure, and now it's gone."

"Lex, you haven't gotten over it yet," Clark says, taking a step back. "I think it's best if I should leave you alone." Clark walks out the room and once he's disappeared, Lex pushes his laptop off the table making it crash to the ground and break.

- - - - -

"What am I doing here?" Jodie asks through the glass window. She was in a coma for 2 days and she woke up in a blank room wearing white clothes and needle marks on both of her arms.

"Let me out!" She yells, banging the glass window. There is a glass window separating her and the other room and she knows that someone is in there.

The door opens a few feet beside and an unfamiliar man appeared, he's wearing a business suit and has dark hair with very scary eyes. "We know what you're capable of." The man says while closing the door.

Jodie's confused, "What?" She asks, walking a few feet back from the glass window.

"You have a power, shall we say, that you got." He says.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb, Jodie! We tested you! Now show me what you can do!"

After a while, Jodie remembers that she could turn into water. Although, she doesn't know why he would be interested in that.

Whatever, she thinks to herself. Maybe I could use that power to escape from this place. But what happens when I gets caught? She shrugs that off. It was worth it anyway.

Jodie commands herself to become water and she managed to escape from the guards. She passes through the hallway and sneak under the door leading outside of the building. It's a good think that it was raining, so she can escape to the gate without being noticed and every puddle will confuse them.

She did as she planned and now she's out. She turns back into human and runs as fast as she can. There is a forest away from the place and she stops to take a breath. She looks back and there's nobody chasing her anymore, but instead looking at every puddle and shooting at it. Jodie rests behind a tree, taking chunks of air.

- - - - -

It's already dark and the rain stopped. Jodie stands up, soaking wet, but she didn't care. As long as she's free. Jodie decides to walk forward, hoping that the city will be there. As a matter of fact, she doesn't even know where she is. Jodie walks and walks and walks and finally she sees the city. The board says "Star City". She enters the city and next thing she knows she has already entered trouble. 3 large men are standing right in front of her, their faces hungry.

"Hello there." One of them says, looking at her gravely.

"You don't look like you're from around here." Another says.

"Leaver her alone!" A blonde man wearing really nice clothes said behind them.

All of them looks back. "My, my. . . Isn't it the rich playboy, Oliver Queen." The third one says.

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