Chapter 10

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While driving towards The Kent Farm, there are no sights of cars anywhere. Jodie's phone rings and she checks it. It's Heather, Jodie can see from the caller ID.

"Hey, Heather. What's up?" Jodie answers, then looks at the road. There's a sudden flash or some kind of thing that hits her car making her car fly off to the side of the road. Jodie feels dizzy and goes unconscious.

- - - - -

Jodie wakes up, laying in a hospital bed. At first, her sight is blurry and her ears are ringing, then after a while, everything has adjusted. She can see Lex and her aunt sitting on chairs in the room. She tries to sit up, but she winces from the pain on her ribs.

"The doctor says that you shouldn't move that much, " Melissa says. Her eyes are puffy from crying. "What were you doing driving that car?"

"Actually, I gave her that car so she could drive it." Lex defends Jodie. Melissa looks at Lex with disappointment, "I thought you said you would take care of her, Lex." Melissa stands up, grab her bag and walks off the room.

"What time is it?" Jodie asks.

"8 o'clock." Lex replies. Lex stands up from his chair and walks to Jodie. He starts stroking her cheeks, but Jodie is too speechless to do anything.

"I was really worried." Lex says.

"What are you implying, Lex?" Jodie asks, finally finding her voice.

Lex stops stroking her cheeks and leans down to kiss her forehead. Jodie feels this tingling inside and heard herself say, "I think I'm in love with him."

There's a knock on the door,. Then it swings open. Lex turns around. Jodie can see Lana, Chloe, Heather and Clark come in.

"Well. I better give you guys some privacy." Lex says, then walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"How are you feeling?" Lana asks, sitting down beside Jodie's hospital bed while the rest is standing up.

"Feeling a bit better." Jodie lies, her ribs is still hurting.

"Do you know what happened?" Chloe asks. Jodie shakes her head. She doesn't even know what she hit. "There must be something," Chloe says, biting her lower lip, thinking hard. "This is Smallville, after all." Everyone nods.

"Well, whatever I hit, must be pretty big." Jodie says. She looks at Heather and sees that she is hand-in-hand with Clark. Jodie cleared her throat. The feelings that she has for Clark has disappeared, for some reason. Jodie has been crushing on Clark since they day they met, but now it's as if she never did.

"So, Heather. Is there anything new?" Jodie asks. Heather looks nervous and let go of Clark's hand.

"No. . . Nothing. . ." Heather replies, then she sighs and says, "Alright, fine. The truth is. . . I'm with Clark." Clark smiles at Heather then looks at her. BAM! It's lost, I'm done with Clark.

"Oh. . . Well. . . Congratulations!" Jodie says.

Silence happens again. A few minutes later, they start talking non-stop until 9:00.

"Well, we need to go." Lana says, standing up.

"Get well soon." Chloe says.


They leave and Jodie doesn't know what to do, so she decides to rest.

- - - - -

"There are no injuries as it says here in the x-rays, except for your ribs, which you sprain a little. But it will heal in a few days. Just need a bit of rest and you will be back in your normal self." The doctor informs Jodie and Lex in the hospital room.

"Thanks, doc." Lex said. The doctor nods and leaves the room.

Jodie stands up with a bit of pain in her ribs. "You okay?" Lex asks while helping her to stand.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Jodie replies. "Um, do you mind if I change?" Jodie asks Lex.

"Well, no, of course. I will leave the room." Lex replies then exits the room

Jodie changes into her normal clothes. Her shirt, jeans and boots. Then she walks out the room and sees Lex and Clark talking.

"Hey, guys." She says, walking up to them.

"Hey, Jodie," Clark greets. "You feeling okay?"

"A bit better." Jodie replies

"I have to go. Glad to hear that you're feeling better, Jodie." Clark says and walks off to the elevator, giving Lex and Jodie a wave good-bye before entering.

"Let's go home." Lex says, putting his arm around Jodie's shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." Jodie said.

As they start walking, Jodie feels this throbbing pain in her temples. She winces at the pain.

"Everything alright?"Lex asks.

"My head hurts." Jodie replies, now kneeling, loosing balance. She feels the pain grow stronger and stronger until she can't take it anymore. She becomes unconscious and Lex holds her in his arms.

"Help! I need doctors!" Lex yells.

The nurses quickly arrive and put her on a hospital bed. The same doctor comes in and inspects her. As they are bringing her to the emergency room, she stopped breathing.

"What's happening to her?!" Lex asked the doctor.

"I don't know, but we will find out." The doctor says back, checking on her pulse.

Lex is worrying so much about her. He loves her so much, what would he do if she's gone? He feels a lump in his throat.

They reach the emergency room.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't be here. You could wait in the waiting room." One of the nurses said.

God, I hope she's okay. Lex thinks to himself. He walked to the waiting room his heart beating fast. He sits down on one of the chair twiddling with his fingers.

After what seems to be 30 minutes, the doctor comes up. Lex stands up and sees the look on the doctor's face. His heart is raacing

"I'm sorry. But she didn't survive." The doctor says, getting ready for the reaction.

"WHAT?!" Lex yells, his voice cracking.

"I'm sorry. We tried everything."


"I'm sorry but there is really nothing I can do." The doctor defends himself.

Lex screams and a tear fell from his eye. He never fell this in love with someone before. She was so special to him. She was an Angel that was sent to him. He makes her feel like a human being, not a monster like other people says he is.

The doctor has finally left and Lex is given no choice but to accept it. He pays the bill and go home.

Once he was home, he starts trashing the room and screaming.

"Sir, is everything okay?" One of the guards asks.

"Define, okay." Lex asks him in anger, his hands on the table about to flip it over. He's breathing hard.

"Sir, I'll call a therapist." The guard says, almost about to.

"No need for that," Lex says. "I just..." He stops to take a breath. "Need her."

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