Chapter 19

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Clark wakes up with a mysterious dream. He shakes his head then walks downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey, Clark," Martha greets him as soon when Clark is down. "How as your sleep?"

"I had a weird dream." Clark sits down on the table with his mother and father.

"And what weird dream was that?" Jonathan asks.

"Well, I was flying over Smallville." Clark replies.

"And that's weird?" Martha asks.

"No. I saw this cave and I landed there."

"Well, we do have a cave here in Smallville," Martha informs. "Maybe you can go check it out!"

"Great idea mom!" Clark says finishing his breakfast and then super-speeding away to find the cave.

Clark found the cave. The cave has a few openings on the top, so there is some light. The rocks look brown and ancient. The ground has some hay on it for some reason. He enters the cave and sees some ancient drawings on them. There a two headed man with one head that looks like a fire-breathing-dragon and the other looking like a normal person's head with square glasses.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A female voice asks behind him. Clark turns around and see a girl around the same age as him or maybe a bit older. She is wearing green shorts, green tank top, a tool belt and combat boots with her hair braided.

"I'm. . . Clark Kent and last night. . . I dreamed about this cave." Clark replied.

"I'm Kyla," she walks closer to Clark and handing out a hand for a handshake but Clark refuse. "Anyway, this cave is ancient and not well-known," Kyla walks to the drawing of the two headed man. "These drawings were drawn by my ancestors," she says proudly, pointing to the drawings. "And this drawing--" She points to the two headed man, "--means that there will be a protector that will protect the earth from evil."

Clark immediately knows that, the protector will be him. Although, he doesn't know why he was chosen to.

"I have to go." Clark says, then walking out of the cave. When he's sure that she couldn't see him, he super-speeds his way home.

- - - - -

There is a knock on the Kent House. Clark opens it and see Kyla and an old man with her.

"Hey, Kyla. . . And. . ." Clark greets, but confused of how she knows where he live.

Clark motions them to come in. Jonathan walks downstairs and sees Kyla and the man.

"Oh, hey, Joseph!" he greets.

Clark's eyes widens. He knows this man!

"Clark, I would like you to meet Professor Joseph Willowbrook and his grand daughter Kyla." Jonathan introduce them.

"Hi." Clark greets

again. "Well, we were just going to have dinner," Jonathan says. "Want to stay?"

They all seats on the dining table and starts to eat dinner. "My grand daughter told me that you found a cave!" Professor Joseph says.

"Yes, sir. I did." Clark replies.

"That cave was named the Kawatche Cave. It was said that my ancestors owned the place," He explains. "Did you see any drawings?" he asks and Clark nods. "Yes. Those drawings mean something!"

They all finished dinner. Kyla and Professor Willowbrook said good-bye and left. Clark has to tell this to Chloe, Pete and Heather on Monday.

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