Chapter Nine

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"Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated"


Antoine awoke to a note where the girl should have laid. He looked around at his room bursting with light. The soft rug plushed his feet as he put them down on it. The frenchie walked over to his bathroom and stared in the mirror of the sad man that stared back at him.

You're pathetic Antoine. Can't even wake up to a girl anymore.

Antoine's smile lines had faded from last night. His eyes no longer bursting with the ocean. They were now grey like the clouds before a storm. His mouth curved slightly downward as he sighed in disappointment.

The note waited for him to read it. Antoine didn't care what it said. He just wanted to wake up next to Victoria. How could he be such a fool to fall in love for a woman he barely knew.

Antoine finally obeyed the calling to the note. He looked over the beautiful handwriting and read

Dear French Boy,
Thank you for being there for me and letting me take risks. I don't regret a single one so far. I hope our relationship can continue professionally and unprofessionally. I miss you already!
Miss Victoria Livingston

Antoine couldn't get her details about her trance out of his head. Mostly because Antoine Griezmann felt the same way about Victoria. Whenever he was with her, he turned from the depressed, quick tempered man into the fun, loving one.

Victoria rushed into work with her hair down—something that she never did. The assistant she greeted as she walked in had a concerned look on her face. She walked into her dark office and flicked on the lights. The glass table shined back at her as she sat down in the plush chair. Then something on her coffee table in between the chairs for her clients caught her eye.

She scrambled to get up and walk over to it. She picked it up in disbelief. The front cover of the Madrid Soccer Drama magazine was Antoine holding Victoria at the match.

Someone knows. I'm fired. I'm dead.

She flipped to the article focusing on the cover. Big red words along the top read Antoine Griezmanns new mystery lover? The American struggled to get a grip on herself and she read the article. There were pictures from paparazzi, him placing his hand on the small of his back, them looking at each other intensely, and Antoine hugging her at the match.

Victoria swallowed all her guilt as she brought the magazine to her desk. She threw it into a drawer and texted Antoine about the mess. Her computer lit up as Miss Livingston brought it to life. Her schedule popped up in her email box. From five minutes ago.

She looked over it and saw a name she wasn't expecting. Antoine Griezmann. Obviously her higher ups had not seen the pictures or articles because she would be in the office talking to them. There were multiple meetings with him every week and more names she recognized.

One name she hoped never to see again appeared on her screen as well. Adam Pacheco. She swallowed hard. How the hell did he have a contract with Puma. She got up and approached her bosses office.

"Hello Luciana?" Victoria lightly knocked on her door.

"Come in Victoria." She looked up at her from her computer. "Do you need something?" Miss Alvaro said in a light and fluffy tone.

"Um.. I don't feel comfortable with working with one of my clients on the schedule for this week. We have a history and it is not a very good one."

"Who is the client? Antoine Griezmann?"

Victoria's heart started to beat faster and faster as she looked up to meet Lucianas heavy gaze.

"Oh no.. I meant Adam Pacheco. We don't have the best past."

"I'm surprised it's not that loved boy of yours." She commented in a non bothersome way.

Fuck. Puta.

"Uh. Well Antoine's a friend, yes, but not a lover." Victoria added not knowing for sure what she said was completely true.

"Hmm well time will tell. Right dear?" The woman asked while tilting her head and lightly smiling. Luciana looked older from the last time Victoria saw her, instead of looking youthful and full of light, she looked aged and stressed.

"Maybe." is all Victoria let roll of her tongue.

"You must learn to grow Victoria and Señor Adam Pacheco will be your client. I wish you the best of luck. Oh and by the way, if my boss finds out about Mr Griezmann, he will not hesitate to get you in trouble." She added while clicking various things on her computer.

Victoria walked out of her office looking down at her feet. She hoped that Adam Pacheco wouldn't remember who she was but this was indeed too good to be true. The American walked into her office and threw her hair into a messy bun.

The ding from her computer caused her to look up at it. She read the name from which the email was sent Adam Pacheco. Her mouse hovered over the name with hesitation. She clicked it and read

Hello Miss Victoria Livingston. I hope you still remember me, it's been along time. Can't wait for our meeting next Monday.
Adam Pacheco

She heard another ding but this time coming from her phone. She looked over at it on her desk. It was a text from Antoine saying 'meet me after work at my house. 18:00 (6:00)?' Victoria replies with a simple text, 'Sound good.'

Victoria wished that this day would never come. The day she met Adam again. All she could do was hope it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

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