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Requested By: TheCursedChild1

In The Garden

Sweet little Sally was picking flowers along with Smile Dog who is running after a butterfly. Sally hums some random tune she heard before. Footsteps can be heard behind her but she was too busy to hear it.

???: Hihihi (chuckles)

Sally: Smile dog stop chasing the poor butterfl-

???: Sally?

Sally: (quickly turns around and pulls a knife) ..who are you? What happened to your face!

The stranger was around the age of 21, half of his face was missing.

???: Relax, I'm Skull. Nice to meet you.

Sally sensed that he wasn't a threat so she puts the knife down.

Sally: I'm Sally (smiles)

Smile Dog noticed the stranger and ran up to him. Sally thought he was going to attack but Skull kneeled down to pick up the dog, Smile dog starts to giving the guy sloppy kisses.

Skull: I really like your dog, he seems nicer than the other ones I've encountered. Here, have some candy (tosses a piece of candy to Sally)

Sally: Awww! Thank you Mister!

The three didn't know that another person was hiding behind the trees watching them. As Sally was about to eat the candy, the figure runs to them.

Ben: SALLY DON'T YOU FRIGGIN DARE! (slaps the candy out of Sally's hand)

Sally: ...

Skull: Dude, not cool.

Ben sees the pissed off look etched on Sally's face. Sally looks up to him and starts throwing dirt at him.

Sally: YOU WERE SPYING ON ME AGAIN! YOU PUSHED AWAY MY CANDY AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE OKAY?! (Starts to cry blood but at the same time screeching)

Ben: (covers his ears) I'm sorry!

Skull: (Stands up) You just made a child cry. You fucking bastard.

Ben: .. Uh. I'm out. (Dashes away)

Skull: (runs after Ben, a knife on his hand)

Ben: AAAaaAaaaHhhHh!!!!

Sally: (pats Smile dog's head) He'll die sooner or later.

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