Chapter 24

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Selena's POV.
I woke up in the hospital bed again, we've been staying at the hospital for 4 days and it's horrible Justin has been an amazing husband and has stayed and helped me since. I hate the food here and it always smells like medicine which makes me want to puke!! Everybody has visited me, even Justin's siblings all the way from Canada, it's very sweet if them. Pattie and my mom has found a house for us not far from where we live now so once I get out of here we're gonna go check the house out. I looked to my left and saw Emory sleeping in her little crib next to me, on my right I saw Justin laying on the couch typing on his phone with Emilia sleeping on his chest. Emilia and Emory are identical and it's really hard to tell them apart but being their parents you'd obviously know! Emilia looks more like me as in her nose and mouth and Emory looks more like Justin as in nose and mouth as well.
Justin: Morning baby.
Selena: Hey.
Justin: Emilia was crying and I couldn't feed her so I just kept rocking her, surprisingly she fell a sleep.
Selena: Haha. Poor baby she must be hungry. How about Emory?
Justin: She's been sleeping the whole time. Oh and the doctor came in this morning, he said you can leave today.
Selena: Ahh!! Finally!!
Justin laughed at me. He put Emilia back in her cot and laid next to me.
Selena: I'm sorry you had to sleep on that uncomfortable couch.
I kissed him.
Justin: No problem baby.


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