Chapter 13....Wedding Day!!!

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*Wedding day*

Selena's POV.

I can't believe I'm getting married.

I'm really nervous. I've been shaking this entire time. I'm getting my hair and makeup done now. Justin had been trying to come in but Demi, mom or Pattie would kick him out.

Mandy: Selly, look at you, you're soo beautiful.

Pattie: She is.

They started crying a bit.

Selena: Guys stop crying, your gonna make me cry.

We laughed.

Mandy: Oh Selena. I have a surprise for you.

There was a knock on the door.

Demi: Go get it.

I walked up to the door to open it, when I opened it I saw my dad!!

Selena: DADDY!!! I missed you!

I hugged him soo hard.

David: I missed you too Sweetie. Look at you, your soo big now.

Demi: Sorry to ruin the moment but Sel you gotta get ready.

Selena: Ok. Bye Daddy! I'll see you later.

I kissed his cheek and walked towards my mom.

Demi: Hi Mr. Gomez. I'm Demi, Selena's getting ready now. If you wanna meet the groom, Justin, he's in the room across the hall. Oh and you're giving Selena away right? Meet her in this room in 2 hours.

With that she walked up to us while my dad closed the door.

Let's get ready for the wedding.

Justin's POV*

The boys and I were playing the Xbox.  I had tried sneaking into Selena's room but I'd always get kicked out! There was suddenly a knock on the door. Nobody stood up.

Justin: I guess, I'll go get it.

When I opened the door there was a man in formal clothes, he must be here for our wedding.

Justin: Hello! How may I help you?

Man: Hello son.

He shook my hand. Ok?

Man: I'm David Gomez, Selena's father.

Ohhhh. He's Selena's father. I'm such an idiot.

Justin: Oh. I'm so sorry. Hi Mr. Gomez, how are you.

David: I'm great. Please call me David. I've heard a lot about you... Wait you are Justin right. You're getting married to my daughter right. I'm not at the wrong place?

I chuckled at the worried look on his face.

Justin: Yes. I'm Justin. Please come in. Mind the mess.

David: Don't worry. Hello boys.

Boys. Hello?

Justin: Guys, this is David, Selena's father.

David: When are you boys gonna get ready?

Ryan: In an hour. We don't take that long that's why.

David and I had a long chat. He'd ask a few questions and I'd answer them honestly. At the end he told me he likes me and I'd be a great guy for  Sel. Yess!! Score!!

David: Oh well, I'll catch you boys later. Bye Justin.

Justin: Bye David. Have you seen Sel yet.

David: Yes. I have she looks beautiful.

Justin: Great I can't wait to see her.


It's their wedding day!!!

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