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Taeyeon's pov

1 month has passed and I am currently laying in my couch and it was weekend. I'm bored here.

Sica has been busy and the thing is, I don't even know what she's been doing.

Ugh this is so boring. I reached my phone and looked at the time, it read 2:00pm. Then I opened my twitter, its been so long that I didn't use this app.

Still the same. Some people followed me and some unfollowed me. I scrolled up to look at the tweets.

While scrolling, suddenly Sica was calling. I thought she was busy. I swipe it to answer it.

"Hey babe." I greeted and smiled. I missed talking to her and I also miss her voice.

"Hey baby."

My smile dropped as soon as I heard that voice. This is not my Sica. Who the hell is this bitch?

"Excuse me? Who the fuck are you!? And where the hell is my girlfriend!?"

"Why baby? Miss her?" She said and laugh. This bitch is getting on my nerves.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said ignoring what she said

"Oh, you already forgotten about me? We just met a month ago. You know, the girl Jessie's friend" She said and let out a giggle

"Jessica doesn't have any friends." I coldly said

"Hmm. More like an acquaintance, dear. We knew each other for a long time." She said. This voice, I know I've heard it somewhere before.

Then suddenly, I remeber her. That bitch who said mean things about Sica. That fucking bitch.

"Sunny" I coldly said. As I said that I heard a chuckle on the other line.

"Took you a while to guess who it was."

"What do you want? Where is she?"
I said ignoring what she said

"Looking for Jessie? Come here and you'll see what she's been doing this past month." She said and hang up.

After a minute I recieved a text from her. Its the address. I don't know where is this but I have to go there.
I can feel my heart beat fast as I think what is happening there. Maybe they kidnapped her?

I stood up and went to my room and to my drawers. I opened the bottom one pulled out a gun. I know, this thing is dangerous but I think I need it. I got this from a friend of mine, Hyoyeon. She loves to collect different kinds of guns. I putted the gun on the back of my pocket and wear a black jacket to cover it.

I left my place and went inside my car. Starting my car, I went to the address where Sunny just sent.
As I get nearer and nearer my heart beats really fast. The place is hidden. Only a few know about this place.

As I stop my car, I looked at the sign above the place and it said BehindTheScene. The words feel familiar. I know, I heard this somewhere.

I was about to go inside when the bouncer of this place blocked me. He looked at me from head to toe.

"Where do you think you're going?"
He said

"Oh, Rico. I know that girl."

Before I can say anything, a voice was heard behind him. He looked behind and went to the side. I saw Sunny smirking at me as she went towards me. She putted her arm on my shoulder and drag me inside.

When we get inside, loud music was heard and some were screaming. People who are drinking and dancing to the music. As I scan the place, it is not just an ordinary bar. I saw people having sex on a table. I saw girls that are naked and dancing infront of men. I feel disgusted by just looking at them.

"Disgusted?" Sunny suddenly asked. I looked at her and glared at her. She just laugh and shook her head.

"Where is Sica?" I asked still glaring at her. She just smirked at me.

"Don't answer me by a question, Tae. Tell me are you disgusted by them?" She said and point at the girls who were dancing.

"Yes, bitch." I coldly said which make her laugh. I rolled my eyes as she do that.

"But what about her?" She asked again and point at another girl. I looked at where she was pointing.
The girl was far from us but I can see that she was naked. She was blindfolded and her hands were tied above her head and there was a kind of a cloth inside her mouth.

Men was touching her body. Putting a vibrator in her core and putting a dildo inside her butthole and slapping her buttcheek.

As I looked at it closely, the girl was very familiar. Then one guy remove the piece of cloth that was covering her eyes. As soon as I saw the face of the girl I pushed Sunny and punched her in the face.

"You bitch!" I yelled at her and kick her in the stomach. Then held her in her collar.

"What are you gonna do about it? She's a slut after all. Being pleasured is what she wants." She said and still smirked at me.

I just let go of her and grab a bottle of beer that was placed in the table beside me. I walk towards them. As I went nearer the girl finally noticed me and cried. I smashed the bottle in the head of the guy who was touching her and he collapse.

The guys stopped what were they doing and looked at me. I can see that they were shocked.

"Fuck! What was that all about?" One guy said as he went infront of me.

I spitted at his face and kicked his crotch then fell while holding his crotch while groaning. One guy held me by my waist to prevent me from moving, I saw a guy infront of me and just kicked him hard making the three of us fall. I felt the guy let go of me and stood up, kicking his stomach.

I grabbed two bottles near me and smashed them to the guys that was about to hold me, making them unconscious.

"GET THE FUCKING AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled as I grabbed my gun and pointed at them, making them leave the girl.

I went to the girl and untie her. She took the cloth inside her mouth out and hugged me while crying.

I took my jacket off and let her wore it. I glared at the guys and they were scared. Well, who wouldn't be? There's a gun pointed at you.

"LEAVE US ALONE NOW, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!" I yelled and they left. I putted my gun back and helped her get off the table.

We went to their lockers and pulled out some clothes. As she wear her clothes I can't help but looked at her body. She saw me staring at her so she cover herself. I looked at her and she just bit her lower lip.

"You're disgusted, right?"
She said as she looked down. I just stood up and help her wear her clothes. After that we sat on a bench silently.

"I'm sorry." She suddenly said breaking the silence between us.
I just sigh and said it was okay.

"I love you Taengoo, I really do." she said while holding my hand and gaving it a squeeze.

"I know and I love you too, Sica" I replied and kissed her on her forehead.

"But you have some explaining to do."
I said and she just nodded.

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