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Jessica's pov

Taeyeon fell asleep on my lap and appa and I just talked. I told her how we met and and how asked me to be her girlfriend. He also told me some stories about Taengoo.

Saying, when Taengoo was in middle school she once lost her phone and was founded the next day inside of their refrigerator.

He told me more funny stories about Taengoo and we laugh. Appa told me that Taengoo is such an introvert person. She only had a small group of friends.

"What about you, Jessica? Don't you have some friends?" Appa asked

Friends? I don't even have a family.

"Umm no appa. I only have Taeyeon for now." I said

"Only have Taeyeon? Why? Where is your family?" He asked again

Family? I don't have any memories of them even just for once. All I remember is I grew up in an orphan and when I was a teen, a man adopted me. I was so happy that finally someone who can take care of me and love me like what families do. But I was wrong. He never treated me as his daughter. He abused me and raped me. That was the worst experience that I have been.

One day, I tried to escape but failed. He caught me then punished me so hard that I cannot even walk for a week. Thrice a week he would fuck me and everytime we finished he would just tell me to go out and that was when I'll cry. After sex, I'll cry. Thrice a week, I'd cry.

All of a sudden, for the first time. He didn't even touched me. He was nice to me and taking care of me. I was confused and thought that he finally changed.

But no, I was wrong again. He sold me to a place where sluts are there. Being there was much more worse than being at my so-called parent.

Everyday and night having sex with some strangers. Sometimes I experienced being fuck by not just one guy but more of them. I tried to suicide but I can't. My boss won't even let me out of  the room where I get fucked.

Those shitty memories I can't forget.

"Jessica? Did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?" Appa said which made me back to reality.

I wipe my tears and just smiled at appa

"Umm I don't have a family. I grew up in an orphan and some guy adopted me when I was a teen. But he abused me and sold me. That's why I became a slut." I said and gulped.

"Poor girl. I'm sorry of what I said earlier. I didn't know." Appa said sincerely

I told him it was okay. He also told me to come to him if ever I have a problem. He told me to treat him like a father which made me smile.

"Okay appa." I said

He also smiled in return. He checks his watch and told me he have still a meeting about their new brand of phone. He also told me that Taengoo was the photographer and took the photos of the models.

"So Jessica, we'll see each other if we see each other. Bye and take care.

I nodded as he left his office. Leaving me with Taengoo.

I poked her cheeks and she turned around. Facing my tummy. I poked her again and she mumbled some words. I didn't heard it but I can feel vibrations because of her mouth near my tummy which made giggled.

"Yah! Baby, wake up." I said and carressed her cheek.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"What happened?" She cutely asked while rubbing her hand on her eyes.
I told her what happened and where appa is right now and she just sigh in relief.

"I told you, everything's gonna be okay." She said intertwining our hands and giving it a light peck.

I just smiled and kissed her lips. How I missed her lips. So soft and tasty.  She kissed me back.

After making out we left appa's office. We pass by the secretary and said goodbye.

Taeyeon told me that she owned the 9th floor all by herself. So she took me there.

"This is my studio."
She said welcoming me in her studio

The walls are white and also her appliances are almost white. Some were black but mostly white.

"That is the setting where I took their photos." She said pointing at an area near the wall.

"This is where the models wait for their turn." Pointing at the dirty white couch near the bathroom.

"And this door..." She opening another door

"...where models are dressed up." She added

"This is where I save the photos."
She said showing me her desk that has a computer and a camera on it

"It looks great, baby." I said as I scan her studio.

"Can I take a photo of you?" She asked and I just nodded. She told me to go the setting and wait for me. She udjusted the lights and went to his desk and took her camera.

I just posed as she captured it. She was smiling while taking a photo of him. So it also made me smile.

"You're a Goddess."
She said then went near to me and kissed my forehead.

"I think I just found a new job for you." She said

"And that is?" I asked and looked at her while she just smiled at me lovingly.

"Being a model." She said and pinched my cheek.

"Yah! That hurts." I whined and she just laugh and patted my head.

"And thank you though for giving me a job here." I said and kissed her cheek.

"Anything for my baby." She said sweetly

"I love you" I said and kissed her lips which she return it gladly.

"I love you too." And she kissed me again.


A/N: Tada! Two chaps in a row. Again, thanks for the support and love. Please vote and comment and be a fan lmao 😊 love u all ❣

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