You told him

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Nagisa's pov.

  I was on Karma's roof smoking with him.

"So you going to talk about why you were crying." He asked out of conseren. For once after the times we have hung out and met he was genuinely concerned. There was sudden feeling in my chest that I used to know but its been so long I can't remember what's it's called. All I know is that it has killed and it's dangerous.

"Um... So I am staying with Karusma since my parents."  I trailed off because my eyes started to water but I held back  the tears.

"So I just told him stuff that no one really knows. The only reason I told him was because we were a in an argument."I say fighting the tears.

"Hey would you like to stay with me instead of that old hag." He said putting an arm around me and pulling me into a hug.


(Time skip brought to you by the survey corps).

  It was the next day. Karma cleaned one of the rooms for me since i'm going to stay with him tell I go back to L.A that is if I dont die from failing this.

We were currently walking to school. But of course we were stopped right when we stepped foot on the main campus. But to my surprise we weren't stopped by a student but a teacher.

"Hello end class the principle would like to speak to you E class muts." He said. Oh only if you knew who I was you sure as hell wouldn't be calling me a mut. I was about to pull out a pencil to stab him with but karma saw this and stopped me.

"Come on Nagi-chan I would love to do a little something with the principle if you catch my drift~." He said. I nodded saying I understand clearly knowing Karma we were going to beat the shit out of him.

  We walked to the principle office with the teacher. Oh how many times have I got sent to the principle's office. I thought to be honest to many times to count the only good thing about this is that Riku isn't here for this he's sopposed to be in Canda for a job. But when we walked in I was rong here was there with the Reeper, Karusma, and Android 18. Shit.

Karma's pov.

  We walked into the principle's office for once in my life my parents showed up. But then for some reason Karusma and that assassin chick was here. Along a guy I always see from the flower shop and a guy who was tall as fuck and had black hair.

"So  a rumor has spread to my office that one you have been skipping school. And two you threatened one of your supior students."Nag is a mutterd something under his breath.

"What was that." He said. He's getting pissed.

"I SAID SUPIOR MY ASS!!!" Nagisa yelled at him. Everyone in the room was shocked even me. Then suddenly the tall guy with black hair started speaking.

"Nagisa you do not say that to an adult." He said putting his hand on Nagisa's shoulder but he just slapped it away.

"I don't care Riku. You say it all the fucking time so stop being a damn hiporcite." He said. Bloodlust was radiating off of him. Everyone was affected but Nagisa.

"I also understand that you have also been skipping... To be honest I dont care about that." he said.

"What the hell. He's been skipping and you don't care. He understands this situation better than anyone in this room and you don't care he could've killed the target by now." He said.

"You told him!!" Nagisa yelled.

"Yes I di-" he was cut off by a knife being thrown at him he quickly dodged it. I looked to see who threw it. I saw that assassin chick sending Karusma a glare full of death and bloodlust.

"Look here mr. Riku knows Nagisa better than anybody here so shut up. I know you requested the best from Riku but although Nagisa Is the best he knows hell he's better than me but gusse what. Riku sees Nagisa not only an assassin but sees him as a son." She said walking to him but than the door was Slammed shut. I looked around to only see that Nagisa was gone.

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