Bewitched (Part 9)

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Yuri was all smiles when she arrived at the restaurant. She thought that her efforts had finally paid off when Tiffany called her yesterday to ask her out to dinner.

She took a seat at the reserved table, waiting for Tiffany. When she saw the woman finally walking in, she stood up and smiled at her. "Hey."

"Hi. Sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Nah. I just got here as well."

The two sat down, exchanged pleasantries about traffic and the weather then proceeded to order their meals.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet me tonight," said Tiffany after they returned the menus to the waiter.

"My pleasure. I'm glad you called," Yuri replied.

Tiffany took a deep breath then, in all seriousness, began her explanation. "The reason I invited you to dinner is that there's something that I need to tell you in person but please don't take this the wrong way."

Yuri raised her eyebrows, feeling a bit lost. "Err... okay? What do you need to tell me?"

Here goes. Tiffany shifted in her seat then cleared her throat, hoping that she would not sound rude or mean. "I think that you're a fun and wonderful person, Yuri. I like your positivity and cheerfulness. I like having you as a friend and only as a friend," she carefully emphasized that last part.

She could see Yuri's expression change. The smile disappeared, replaced by an embarrassed and disappointed look as the woman leaned back in her seat and looked away.

"I see," mumbled Yuri, obviously trying to stay cool despite the indirect rejection.

"I'm so sorry. I feel like I owe it to you to be honest about this and not string you along or give you false hope because I really, sincerely, think that you're a great person, someone I'd want to be good friends with," said Tiffany in a gentle tone, hoping to soften the blow.

Yuri took another minute to calm down before she finally exhaled. The corners of her mouth twitched and soon she was smiling at Tiffany again. "Well, at least I tried. Thank you for your honesty."

"You're most welcome. I mean every word, Yuri-ah. I want to stay friends with you," said Tiffany in relief.

"Okay. I'm secure enough to be friendzoned for life," joked Yuri. "Besides, this is a sign that I should really go after that barista. She's been giving me way too many free coffees lately. I should at least show my appreciation, shouldn't I?"

Tiffany smiled back. "You should."

Their food arrived and they began eating while chatting casually about work and their mutual friends.

When Yuri asked about the project with Key and Taeyeon, Tiffany decided that it was time to say the other thing she wanted to say.

"By the way, now that we're friends, can I ask you for a tiny little favor?" asked Tiffany. "Please?"

"Hm... depends. What is it?"

"Don't tell Taeyeon or Key about us being just friends now."

"What?" Yuri blinked then stared at Tiffany. "What do you mean?"

"I... It's... Well..." Tiffany hesitated, trying to think of the best way to say what was on her mind.

"Out with it, Fany. Why don't you want them to know that you've rejected me?"

"Don't say it like that." Tiffany couldn't help but feel bad.

"Just kidding. I'll get over it soon enough," replied Yuri with a smile. "Seriously though, why don't you want them to know?"

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