Chapter 20

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Ryraso dragged his heels as he was forced down some hidden passengers, not likely where this was going. Ton'enth was walking in front of him and one of the priests had already stabbed him with something. At first, Ryraso had been worried it was poison and the priests had really lost their patience with him and were going to go for assassination. Ryraso struggled, trying to escape but the priests' grip were too firm for him to pull out off. He managed to get one to let go by slamming his elbow in their ribs, but the other refused to let go and there were a few moments of mild rough-housing as Ryraso tried to break free.

"Enough!" Ton'enth hissed, turning to face Ryraso, his cloak swirling around him dramatically. His pale complexion with the darkness of the passage made him look vaguely like an evil ghost rather had a High Priest. "It is time we had a talk Healer about your role here and the will of the Goddess. Stop making this so difficult!" he scolded like Ryraso was a child rather than an adult with a very respectable career.

"The will of the link seems to be for me to be here," Ryraso growled back, glaring darkly at Ton'enth, not about to show fear to him of all people.

"The will of the link is centred on someone who loved you beyond reason," Ton'enth pointed out with the tone of someone who could not figure out why this was the case. "The Goddess has other plans. What they are currently, is a mystery but together we will find out," he grinned with dark intent, clearly hoping the plans were not good for Ryraso. "Now. Let's go to the temple, shall we?"

Ryraso narrowed his eyes at the man. Ton'enth was planning something, and Ryraso could tell from the air around them that it was going to go badly for him. He continued struggling but the priest either side of did not let go. Suddenly he was aware of what the potion's effect was. The link was muted slightly. Or rather he was in the link, he could not form words which was very worrying. "I don't trust you," Ryraso said cautiously.

"Trust is not my concern Healer. The Goddess wishes to talk to you. This time, you can not call for help," Ton'enth explained. "Relax Ryraso. I truly mean you no harm. I am simply carrying out the wishes of the Goddess."

"You may not mean harm, but you wish for it," Ryraso argued. "Now let me go. I will walk on my own two feet!"

Ton'enth and Ryraso stared at each other for a few tense moments before Ton'enth lifted his chin slightly. The priest's let go of Ryraso. Ryraso pulled away from them, rubbing his shoulder and walked with his head held high as he was led to the sacred temple of the k'nairi.

"For it is worth, I truly do not wish you harm," Ton'neth said almost softly. "You are a good person and an excellent healer. if it wasn't for the fact your blood has harmed the Goddes in the past, I would be happy for you to exist here. I would happy you to exist now, just far away from Navat and the Winglord." His words were sincere. It was a strange explanation but one that Ryraso could actually understand, unlike most of the actions of the priesthood.

"You all must have been very angry when I saved the Winglord in Isavine. All that planning to keep me hidden from the Royals when I graduated and he still found me," Ryraso said quietly. He was not stupid nor naive. Not anymore. The fact he had the beginnings of a link had been missed for other reasons than his mentor Umin's death.

"We weren't pleased, no. Then the Winglord went and fell in love with you," Ton'enth shook his head in disbelief, pausing outside of the temple doors. Unlike most of the palace, the temple was built from black marble, marking it as different from the rest of the grey rock and tree grown palace. It had been built for the glory of the Goddess, not formed from the base of the lands. "While you were oblivious to his feelings, we hoped it would fade but it did not. Even we will admit, we had no idea how bad it had gotten. When you left, the hold that opened in his mind was unexpected."

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