Chapter 9

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"So, are you sleeping with us in the nest room tonight or in your room?" Nel'os asked with very little tact, fluttering his eyes at Ryraso as he dried off.

"My room," Ryraso said without hesitation, wrapping a robe around himself. "I'm exhausted and would like to sleep on my own tonight," he said dryly, not missing how Eyeri's face fell slightly at that. "Or did you forget humans don't normally sleep in large nests?" he added, rubbing his shoulders.

"Not like we can do anything to you," Dyn'ad commented, having joined them in the bath shortly after they had entered. "Rule is no sex until after the ceremony."

Both Aw'endo and Eyeri looked uncomfortable at that, flushing slightly red at the idea of the Royals having sex with Ryraso. "Babies," Nel'os grinned at them. "Sex is a wonderful thing." Eyeri blushed more but Aw'endo just scowled and threw his wet towel at Nel'os.

"Sorry if we don't want to hear about your sex life," Aw'endo grumbled. Nel'os and Dyn'ad just laughed, Ryraso smiling himself.

Tai'ray chuckled, wrapping an arm around Aw'endo's shoulders and ruffling his hair roughly, making the youngling complain. "Going to have to learn to put up with it Aw'en," he commented. "You know Nel'os' a noble. They aren't ones to skip details."

"Still, are you sure you don't want to sleep with us tonight?" Nel'os asked, looking at Ryraso again with his yellow eyes wide and innocent. "We won't do anything and I can give you a massage if your shoulders are giving you a bother," he offered. Noble, Nel'os was indeed, but he had also been groomed to be a good submissive partner which included knowing how to relax his partner after a long day of work.

"Not tonight, Nel," Ryraso smiled, trying not to let any feelings of unease move over his face. His eyes instead flashed over to Eyeri who was returning to his normal colour but was looking a little nervous. "I would like to sleep in a bed tonight."

Nel'os followed his eyes and nodded slowly. 'Don't want to leave your boy alone tonight?' Nel'os asked over the link while outwardly pouting unhappily at this statement.

'Not with just Aw'endo tonight at least,' Ryraso said softly. 'First night here... with everything which has been going on, I'm worried he'll have nightmares.' Dyn'ad and Tai'ray sent their acceptance of this reasoning.

"Ry..." Nel'os moaned, though over the link he sent the feeling of understanding to Ryraso. This was all for show.

"Stop complaining. Without me there, you three can have all the sex you want. Burn off some of your frustration," Ryraso said dryly, hooking an arm around Nel'os waist and pulling him in to kiss him on the cheek. "You can live without me for a night."

"So you'll join us tomorrow?" Nel'os said hopefully.

Ryraso's stomach twisted unhappily and Ryraso saw Tai'ray and Dyn'ad frown in response. "We'll see," He smiled, trying not to show any unhappiness on his face, trying to cover up his unease.

Tai'ray frowned as he felt Ryraso's stomach twist but let it go. There were so many reasons why the human could be nervous, it was hard to keep track of at the moment. So much was going on at the moment. "We'll see you tomorrow morning then," he nodded slowly, walking over to Ryraso and wrapping him in a tight hug. Ryraso hugged back with a noise of complaint but his grip was strong and warm. Tai'ray kissed his cheek and Ryraso smiled back at him warmly.

"I'm basically next door Tai'ray. I'm hardly far," Ryraso teased in k'nairi. "Stop looking worried."

"That means nothing with you and you know it," Tai'ray muttered darkly, kissing Ryraso again, this time on the lips. "Love you Ryraso. Sleep well and you are always welcome to crawl into our nest if you wish."

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