Chapter One: Encounter

Start from the beginning

Error - Destroyer Of Worlds

LV: 999999-6842- Err0r

HP: 996997823_ ERROR

MPP: 0000000000///eṞ҉r͎̠ͅÒ̹̪̤̀͜͡r̪

AT: 00000000-_¿e͈͚̠̣̠̯̰̕͠͡R̗̱̩̭̩̣͍r̵̸̨̢̦̰̪͖̣̫̠̀͟͟O̯̯̝͎̰̜͠r̼̙̱̞̱҉̶̴̡͏

DF: 5639--99999999\/\ eRRoR

[EFF: The odd Flower has become a part of his soul and body. Old abilitys lost and needs to be relearned.]

- Is stuck in an Alternate Multiverse and is trapped in this au -

Shocked by his states, he failed to realise the monster shot one of his black spines at him until it grazed the left side of his skull and pulled the hood off Errors head. Pulled out of his shock by the feeling of pain and the glitched damage on his HP - witch fluctuated between/from full to half or a quarter but never near the bottem - he quickly dove out of the way of three more spines. The lizzard let out a bark of laughter before saying, "Hah! Your stats were right! You have a fucking flower growing out of ya!". Taking note of the feeling of soft petals, like the flower he saw in that strange place, on the right side of his skull was confirmation enough that what the CHECK said was true. Feeling another attack hit him in his right shoulder, along with the shock of everything thats happening at that moment, made his vision and body glitch out more and error signs appeared around his body. Reflexively he reached for his magic strings and when they didnt appear, he tried summoning a blaster after just bearly avoiding some spines and a kick to the skull. He tried launching bones at his attacker as well, but only managed to yelp in pain and get stabbed in the knee with a spine. Frantic badly glitching hands tried to pull the spine out, but he was pushed to the dusty snow by the monsters tail and then pinned there by the spines that now pinned his jacket.

The monster, now standing above Error, grinned victoriously down at him like he just won at life. "I'll get paid real good for you on the black market, but I rather not get turned into on of those things the doc has guarding her lab. I should ask her if I can have you back after shes done with her experiments. It would be nice to have a beautiful flower like those damned nobles in new home or those gang leaders."

Error couldn't hear what the monster was saying as static filled his mind, making it hard to think straight, and his futile attempts at becoming free from his binds. Nor did he notic his frantic breathing and the pain in his cheek, sholder, and knee. He didn't realize how the flower reacted to his distress and started glowing. In an instant, he no longer felt the hard dusty snow he was pinned to. Instead, he felt something soft under him. No longer feeling restrained, he curled in on himself as his glitches and panic was being soothed by a warm pulse from the flower and somewhere within his soul.

He wasn't sure how much time passed after his glitches and breathing calmed down enough to where he could see his surroundings. He was in a cave he's never seen before, or at least from what he can remember with his memory still foggy. It was lit up by soft glowing blue moss that blankets the ground. There were some glowing mushrooms growing in the cracks/near the cave walls while darker blue echo flowers grew near a stream of water comming from a hole in the cave wall and leaving through another hole. The watter was lit up blue thanks to some glowing vegetation at the bottem of the stream. The roof of the cave had many different colored stone's that looked like stars.

Gaping in aw at such a beautiful place, he made to stand up. But after earning a flash of burning pain in his knee and shoulder, he decided to take the chance to remove the spines from his bones and apparently his jacket, witch now had many holes, too. He gritted his teeth together enough to hurt has he pulled the spine from his sholder out. Holding back a scream of pain, he tossed the spine a little ways away from himself and blinked the spots from his eye lights as he prepaired to take the other one out. Gripping the spine, he tightly closed his eye sockets and quickly pulled it out while bitting another scream of pain. Tossing the marrow covered spine to where the other one was, Error took a deep breath before carfully scooting to the stream. Slowly taking off his jacket, mindfull of the spines still stuck in it and of his hurt shoulder, also taking off his red sweater in the same manner. He took off his red scarf and put one of its ends in the surprisingly clean water and carfully started washing off the marrow around both wounds. When done, he used some of the moss on the ground to seal the holes in his bones -he doesnt know where he learned this from, he felt like he wasn't remembering something very important - and rapped them up with some overgrown leaves from the echo flowers. After he was done treating his wounds, he scooted close to the the cave wall but a little further away from the calm stream. While watching the stream with sleepy eye's, a thought came to him. 'How did I get here if I can't use magic?' he pondered if CHECKing himself again would give him an idea of what happened or if he was still in the same au. He also remembered that when he did a CHECK before, that it said that he was in a different multivers. That must mean the machine that was being built worked, but if thats the case why is no one else here? Did anyone else escape? What was everyone trying to get away from? What made him so terrified by just remembering that it was after him?

Shaking his head, as if to releave him of these questions, he felt the petals of the flower softly but swiftly hit the sides of his skull at the action. It effectively drew his attention back to it as an other thought crossed his mind. 'Did it help me?' Thinking about it only gave him more questions then answers. He decided to just sleep on it and deal with everything after. So until then, he didnt care if the whole underground is filled with monsters like that or where the hell he was at this point in time.

- Somewhere Else -

The lizzard monster stared blankly at the spot where the plant skeleton used to be for a moment before freaking out and searching the area while repeatedly saying "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" while another figure watched the other run around like a headless chicken before sighing and dispelling a red sharp bone attack. The figure stuffed his scared clawed hand back into his jacket with a sigh before dissapearing behind a tree without a trace.

(Chapter end)

Stars this took longer then I thought. Made it long though I think. I actually got stuck on what to do for this chapter and had to go onto a different app called undertale amino for a quick little pull. That help set up the ending of this chapter but not a lot of it. Also im not too good at wrighting fights so sorry if its a little cringe...

Anyway ima go to bed now, also that oc.... Feel free to kill him in the comments lol but he might show up again later on*cough* probably *cough*

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