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I woke up to someone shaking me instead of my phone alarm ringing.

"Dakota," I heard my dad say.

I shifted some in my bed and opened my eyes. "What?"

"I had to let you know your car is still at the school. I bought the wrong battery. I'll swing by after work with the right one. Will someone give you a ride home from school?" He told me.

Mr G quickly popped in my head and I'm unsure why. "Uh. Um, yeah. I'll get a ride from Shelly hopefully. If not I can walk or chill at the town library," I sighed. I don't want to be stuck at the library.

"Okay. Your mom will give you a ride to school, I'll see you later. Love you," he said and started to walk out of my room. "Oh wait-"

"Yes?" I muffled in my pillow.

"Who dropped you off yesterday?"

Oh no. Lie? Or tell the truth? Lie.

"Just a friend from school," I said and got up and went to my door. "I'll see you later dad."

I shut my door and looked at my phone. It was 7:40 and my alarm usually went off at 7:45. I needed those 5 minutes of sleep.

I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt and slipped it on.

I heard a knock on my door,"it's open!"

"Dakota, moms not feeling well," Charlie said while standing in my door way. He looked scared and I've never seen him scared. He's usually the tough one.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom wants you, come on."

This is alarming because my moms the healthiest in the family and never gets sick.

I walked down the long hallway and opened both doors to my parents bedroom wide. "Charlie, get out. What's wrong mom?"

My mom was laying on her bed resting her arm over her forehead. "My head hurts and I have pain in my breast. Really bad pain."

"Make a doctors appointment, mom," I told her while sitting right next to her. "The sooner the better."

"I'm going to. I'll try to get in after work. Finish getting ready so I can drop you guys off at school." A heavy sigh left her mouth.

"Does dad know?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me, "no, and do not tell him. He worries way too much."

I nodded my head and headed for my room, grabbing my things and house keys. I slipped on shoes and we all went out to my moms car.

My mom dropped me off in front of the school and Shelly was standing there, dressed in pink with her hair curled.

"Hey," I said with a light smile. "You'll never believe what happened."

Her brown eyes lit up. She loves drama or any excitement. "Spill!"

"So my car wouldn't start and guess who was there to save the day? Your baseball crush."

"Mr G?" She exclaimed and grabbed my arm.

"Yup. He tried jumping my car but it didn't work. He offered me a ride home and I took it because walking would take too long."

Shelly raised her eyebrows and smirked and I hit her playfully, telling her to shut up. She gets crazy ideas that will never happen.

The bell rang and we headed off to class. When we got to history, Mr G was there standing at the door greeting people as they walked in.

"Good morning Shelly," he said and Shelly replied with the same thing.

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