♔ xvii. "Please don't be mad."

Start from the beginning

"The group you have formed will be of purpose for the activities. Please do not separate with your group to ensure everyone's safety. You will be given tents, although some groups are mixed genders− tents should be shared separately. One tent will fit four students, please decide your groups accordingly. Curfew will be 10pm, no wandering around after that time."

Girls tried to hide their excitement from the sight of the student council treasurer, Min Yoongi. It was then again proved to Jimin that his hyung was indeed a lady killer. If it weren't for his strictness, they would've fawned over him without any pretense but since it was well known that he disliked that kind of public display, they were controlled. It feels like he has them in the palm of his hand, my hyung is scary.

"That was a little stiff of you, Yoongi-ah." Irene whispered to him as he finished off his announcement.

Without looking at her, Yoongi replied; "I don't want to be unnecessarily flashy like him." That earned a pleasant chuckle from her.

The student council president were assigned together to facilitate the freshmen and juniors, on the other hand, Yoongi and Irene were paired to facilitate the sophomores and seniors. The areas assigned were divided into two but students will eventually reunite once activities are started.

"Don't you think that's why girls love him?" Irene replied with a cheeky grin in which he deliberately ignored. Without further delay, it was her turn to step forward and deliver her announcement.

Irene offered her audience a beautiful smile, one that captured the hearts of men. Fresh, mature with a hint of innocence. Unlike Yoongi's fans− guys did not hold back from their cheers as their alluring student council secretary stood before them. Her smile was enough to fuel them with energy to participate this day's activities.

"That was so cute." Jimin turned to his best friend who had just taken a picture of the smiling noona in front of them, looking very much starstruck.

"I will be announcing today's activities− I hope everyone will listen attentively." And with another smile, she won the hearts of many, if not, all.


"I'm sorry that you had to adopt me into your group." Jisoo gave the two girls an apologetic look. "I didn't expect Nayeon to get dragged into Eunha's group." The three of them were currently setting up the tent that was given to them. Wendy shook her head and grinned.

"You're more than welcome to join us, and besides, without you; Seulgi and I would probably be dealing with this tent the whole day." She chuckled sheepishly at their new companion. Jisoo wasn't the type to join in with different groups in class. They were in the same homeroom and despite having some courses with her; Wendy never really had much conversation with her as she was always with her friend Nayeon.

"Thank you. Oh, by the way− how are you, Seulgi-ssi? I saw what happened earlier, I hope you're alright." Seulgi who was focused on supporting them with the tent finally looked up and joined.

With a gentle smile, she replied; "You don't have to be so formal. And thank you, I'm okay. I must have caused a scene earlier." Jisoo is quite nice. Despite having their first official conversation together, they were enjoying without awkwardness. As they went on ahead to finish setting up, Seulgi saw a familiar figure.

She seemed unsure as she looked around. "Kei." Seulgi walked towards her, slightly lagging because of the injury she acquired earlier. Kei was her classmate of hers in their first afternoon class, and they used to be seatmates until Jimin had decided to change seats.

It was a surprise to her that she actually knew the name of her seatmate who she never even talked to up to the day she changed her seats. At one point, Kei thought she was the type to not care about the people in her surroundings. Could it be that she's actually attentive to people around her?

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