Chapter 3: The Pollywog

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Dusty! Dusty, how was it? How was what? "How was what?" The greatest night of the year, of course.


Oh, yeah, it was It was, uh, tubular.

- What's wrong with you? - Nothing.

- Did something happen? - No.

What? No.

Are you constipated again? No.

Mom! Okay, you're acting weird.

I am not acting weird! - Whoa! - Ah! Awesome, right? Yeah I rigged the trap with, uh, a motor to make it look like I caught a ghost.

Just like the movie.

- Oh, Dusty.

- Yeah.


Look at that.

Look at that.

I told you to keep quiet.

All you had to do was stay still for one minute.

One minute.

Sorry, Yertle.

Temporary eviction, buddy.

What are you, little guy? What were you doing in my trash? You hungry? Nougat.

Go on, eat.

Too hot? Sorry about that, little guy.

You like nougat, too, huh? You're pretty cute, you know that? I'm glad I found you.


I'm gonna call you d'Artagnan.

Rise and shine.

So that's it, huh? You're still not talking? All right.

I guess I'm just gonna have to, uh enjoy this triple-decker Eggo extravaganza on my own.

Mmm! Mmm! Good, right? Know the great thing about it? It's only 8,000 calories.

You visited him again last night? He says he needs me.

Want me to go check on him? I know that you miss him, all right? But it's too dangerous.

You're the last thing he needs right now.

You're gonna see him.


And not just in that head of yours.

You're gonna see him in real life.

I feel like I'm making progress with these people.

Friends don't lie.

What? You say "soon" on day 21.

You say "soon" on day 205.

- You now say "soon" on day 326? - What is this? You're counting the days now like you're some kind of prisoner? When is "soon"? "Soon" is when it's not dangerous anymore.

When? - I don't know.

- On day 500? - I don't know.

- On day 600? - I don't know.

- Day 700? - On day 800? - No! - I need to see him.

Tell me! - I said I Oh! Shit! Shit! Friends don't lie! Jesus.

Have you seen them? - We're looking, Mom.

- Yeah, we're we're looking.

- A-ha! Found 'em.

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