He noticed uncle Tyrion was not at the breakfast table, being hand of the king had often turned him into a very busy person with more gray hair than blonde, often accompanied by the second prince, Ivar Targaryen. A boy with dark hair and indigo eyes with air of enigma around him, the same boy who was not present at the table. Now, he was enigma Amare wanted to solve. The prince obviously fancied him, he could tell by the narrowing of those indigo eyes when Amare flirted or fooled around with noble or servant girls, especially after the nights they had spent together. It was his pride that kept him from confessing to Amare, he knew.

He licked his lips, at thought of Ivar. Oh, how he wanted to fuck him again. Wanted to hear his small grunts and moans rather than some common whore. Amare liked men and women equally unlike Ivar who only fancied men. Oh, how he wanted to make Ivar squirm, he closed his eyes picturing the scene.

"What are you thinking about, brother?" Levana asked, even Rhett now turned to look at him.

Amare smirked, "Nothing. Just about little bird I wanted catch before we left Kingslanding." And with that Levana turned back to her conversation with Rhett, not suspecting anything because everyone knew, Prince Amare was collector of exotic things, anything and everything. It was his mother's eyes that narrowed at him, and he knew that she knew.

Nothing ever got past by Lone Wolf's eye. His mother picked up her goblet, putting it in the air as if it were toast, smirking at him. Amare followed her suit, oh, how he loved his mother. Never to deter him from any sort of mischief, letting him do everything and anything, unless it could endanger his life.

He understood why his father, a man of many passions fell in love with her. her mother was unlike any woman, bold, powerful, seductive and fearsome opponent both in field and court. She was something else entirely, he thought as his mother resumed talking to said king and the queen of the seven kingdoms. But he knew the truth, truth of dragon victor and real ruler who sat on the throne and he was staring right at her. She was with dark hair, seductive lips and witty words, Ronnika Martell, the Lone Wolf, Queen in the North and Dragon Victor, the real ruler of the seven kingdoms and as if she knew what he was thinking, Ronnika turned to look at her eldest son who did nothing but bow slightly at her. Acknowledging her as the Queen of shadows, because after all she was ruling from the shadows.

She was a queen in every sense of the word.

"Brothel." Amare blinked, "Why are we at a brothel?" It was highly unusual place to go with one's mother. Ronnika had dragged her son in middle of afternoon, in middle of his scheming to a brothel.

"It's here." Ronnika got off her horse, taking a minute in her dornish attire of yellow poofy dress. She walked in as her son followed her," Your father is famous for fucking half of Westeros and where do you think he will disappear after long journey and bad road with handful of dutiful days after his arrival?"

The brothel was filled with beautiful naked girls that fluttered around Amare with their pink tits as he followed his mother. His hands were itching to touch one of these pink little girls but more than the lust, it was his curiosity that won. How did his mother know the area, so well? Of a brothel at that? He quickly followed his mother, arriving in private quarters of brothel and stood in front of wide door.

"Behold." Ronnika stated as she opened the wide doors. Amare and Ronnika stepped in, the room was dimly lighted, with smell of sex, lust and musk in the air, it was practically drowning in it. In the middle of the room, by the wall was a circular large bed covered in colored whores who were enjoying the atmosphere and one another. The room was filled moans and grunts, Amare noticed. He walked beside his mother, ignoring the surprised looks of the prostitutes as they neared the bed, the grunts did not stop.

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