Ships on Ocean

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Her hair were long, her foot was light and her eyes were wild, Oberyn thought as he leaned over the railing by the wheel of the ship, peering down at the deck. It had been the second day on their voyage to Winterfell, the queen had finally set sail to her kingdom with determination to claim it back as was it her birthright. The seagulls could be heard at distance, the sun shining gaily and the sailors were about the ship doing their daily chorus while Daemon and Rickon were sparing and the queen was watching them with mild interest and some deep thought.

Oberyn shook his head, she was something else entirely. It had been a while since he had last seen her pants and tunic, but what pleased him wasn't just the mere curve of her lips when Rickon was able to dodge Daemon's attack but that she had worn the yellow colored tunic, which showcased her body properly as it stuck to her like second skin, emphasizing on her breasts, her waist and her bare back that shone almost shone ivory under the sun. She looked like radiance, sun that dawned over Dorne, in those clothes and it almost made Oberyn want to say to her that, You're my sun.

But then his mind collided with itself, no, she wasn't the sun. She was his religion.

"What is it?" Ronnika asked she entered the office Captain. It was lighted room with few chairs and a map in middle of the large table that almost covered two fifth of the office. It was decorated with clean curtains and red wood, a rare kind to find.

To be honest, Ronnika was feeling slight cranky because she had been the ship for a goddamn second day and it was nowhere near their destination which could take them three days. She didn't like small spaces and the ship was in no way a small but she liked to run wild, there was just something vast open grounds that intoxicated her lungs as the gentle wind blew with sweet smell of freedom and wilderness that made her heart warm and her blood sing. Maybe Wild felt the same way when he ran into woods, Ronnika thought.

"Another letter from North, your grace." The Captain of the ship, Ser Guilford said as he passed the letter to Ronnika. He was tall, lean man with green eyes and no striking features but it was his courtesy and mannerism that had her taken aback for a sailor, even though he was a Captain.

Her eyes glanced sideways, and her suspicions were right. Both Oberyn and Daemon were here. It was relief, not to repeat the same thing over again if they were not present there. She quickly broke the seal, letting her eyes over the content which had her indecision for a minute. It was a letter from Sansa saying that she had sent Brienne of Tarth to Riverrun, to call Blackfish to their help. Sansa wanted Ronnika to go there too, in case he didn't answer the call. Ronnika knew Blackfish was stubborn old man, more like how Jaime described him, the stubborn old goat.

Might as well, Ronnika thought about the diversion trip to Riverrun. Riverrun if she was correct would come into their radar the next day, they could land there and ride to Riverrun, meet the Blackfish and lead Tully forces North which would take them another day. In total, she could get to Winterfell more quickly on land and with even more force and armed strength. There was slight chance that the old goat won't listen but she was likely to take risk, Sansa was after all niece of House Tully. She wanted to see if the Blackfish would follow the words of his house or would she have to remind him of those, Family, Duty, Honor. House Tully.

"Change of the course Captain." Her voice firm as she glanced to her sides, passing Oberyn the letter as Daemon stood there with crease on his brow until the letter was passed onto him, before she turned to Ser Guilford." We're going to Riverrun." And she leaves without another word.

"So, we are going to Riverrun?" Rickon asks as he takes another bite of bread. The dinner had been the usual, if one could describe it in one word. A table of six, Captain included but he mostly kept to himself while Daemon was hellbent on making Captain talk about himself which didn't happen most of the part. Oberon was almost amused at Daemon's insistence but somehow wanted the bastard stop his big mouth because the story he wanted to know wasn't a pleasant one, Oberyn knew that because he had set many sails with Ser Guilford.

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