The Trial

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Everyone was whispering and gossiping among themselves as they sat in the court, for much awaited trail of Tyrion Lannister popularly knows as "The Imp" who was accused of killing his nephew, the king Joffrey Baratheon. There were three judges for his trail, Mace Tyrell, Oberyn Martell and his own father, hand of the king, Tywin Lannister. The court was full and as if everyone was here for entertainment, laughing and gossiping, it made Ronnika sick as she looked down at the people from gallery of the court.

She was afraid of the trail's result because she was sure her dearest uncle wouldn't let this opportunity pass by to kill Tyrion, his own son, that man was a monster and Mace Tyrell would surely go along with Tywin's decision of killing him as he was nothing but fat fool. Her only hope was Prince Oberyn who was no fool and hated Lannisters, who would do anything to cause Tywin's discomfort and defeat. Oberyn was man who would go great lengths to seek his revenge and if that revenge came with the cost of saving Tyrion Lannister, he would do it.

"I, Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of my Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, do hereby recuse myself from this trial. Tywin of the House Lannister, Hand of the King, Protector of the Realm, will sit as judge in my stead. And with him Prince Oberyn of the House Martell and Lord Mace of the House Tyrell. And if found guilty may the gods punish the accused.", King Tommen declared as he got up from Iron throne and joined his favorite aunt Ronnika on the gallery, peering down at the court. He stood by her as he watched his uncle bought to court in chains and said," Uncle Tyrion didn't do it, I know he didn't." Ronnika was surprised at Tommen's comment but just nodded and watched the scene unfold before them, with anxiety forming in pit of her stomach.

"Tyrion of House Lannister, you stand accused by the Queen Regent of regicide. Did you kill Joffrey ?", Mace Tyrell questioned. 

"No", Tyrion replied in a heartbeat. 

 "Did your wife, Lady Sansa ?", he asked question, though if he'd have been Sansa's place, he'd have surely done it but Sansa was little girl who wouldn't even be able to put on dress without help of Shae. "The gods killed Joffrey. He choked on his pigeon pie.", Tyrion answered craftily.

Lord Tyrell reddened,"You blame the bakers ?" 

 "Them, or the pigeons, just leave me out of it.", Tyrion laughed nervously and Ronnika thought that fool had to guard his tongue or surely he would dig his own grave. 

 "There are witnesses against you," her dearest uncle Tywin said,"We shall hear them first. Then you may present your own witnesses. You are to speak with our leave only." Tyrion just nodded as there was nothing else he could do without digging a hole for himself. The first witness was Ser Balon Swann of the Kingsguard. "Lord Hand", he began, after high septon had sworn to only speak the truth,"Once we'd got King Joffrey safely away from the mob, the Imp rounded on him. He slapped the king across the face and called him a vicious idiot and a fool. It wasn't the first time the Imp threatened Joffrey. Right here in this throne room, he marched up those steps and called our king a halfwit. Compared His Grace to the Mad King and suggested he'd meet the same fate. And when I spoke in the king's defense, he threatened to have me killed. " 

 Tyrion justified his actions,"Oh, why don't you tell them what Joffrey was doing?" That question was only answered by silence as he continued when he knew he had made his point,"Pointing a loaded crossbow at Sansa Stark while you tore at her clothes and beat her. " Tywin interrupted him,"Silence! You will not speak unless called upon. You're dismissed, Ser Meryn." Ronnika seethed at her uncle, he didn't need to threat Tyrion like a dog trusted with a muzzle.

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