Snow and the Hunt

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It was white and then it was cold. It was snow. Snow.

That was what Ronnika realized when she blinked her eyes twice, thinking she was just imagining the white wilderness in front of her but she wasn't. It was real, but how could that be possible? She remembered going to bed with Oberyn, the warmth of their bed was missed dearly by her as she got on her legs, leaning against the tree. Where was she?

"Lady Martell." A kind voice said and she whipped her head in that direction. Seeing a boy step out of the wilderness. A tall leanly muscled brunette boy with fringes and warm eyes that reminded her of autumn warmth. But who was he?

He came forward as she didn't speak and she didn't say anything even when he stood right in front of her at her arm's length. Her hands clenched by her sides as she realized she had no weapons on her, she was just standing in middle of woods with strange boy and no weapons, how did it happen? Her thoughts were cut off by the boy as she spoke again, said one word, "Cousin." And it was only then she looked into his eyes and they didn't flinch away from hers like others did, his eyes reminded her of Jon's. His eyes were warm and kind and bright but slightly sad.

And she didn't even think twice before she uttered, "Brandon?" in question, in curiosity.

And he nodded with slight smile on his face and that sight alone had her blood warm, she found the last part of her family. She found him, her cousin Brandon. And she couldn't help but smile as she stepped towards him, for second both of them said nothing because there was nothing to say but bask in slight peace and joy, even for just minute. "Where are we?" She asked as she looked around, "I don't remember getting here. Where are we Bran?"

And it was only then, she saw his eyes turn melancholier," In a dream."

She parted her lips say something but he interrupted before she could say anything," I'm a warg, just like you. Maybe I'm more than warg. I had something very important to say to you, that's why I invaded your dreams, I needed to tell you the truth."

Many questions ran through her mind, where are you, how are you, are you safe, would you come back but the only words she was able to say were," And what is the truth?" what truth? Whose truth, would it destroy us?

A sad smile marred his lips," You slightly resemble aunt Lyanna, do you know?" and she just nodded because she had no idea what to say," And Jon has her curly hair, do you know?" and it felt like time had frozen and the cold of the snow had seeped into her skin, chilled her bones.

"What?" she whispered, had he had no idea what he was saying. The meaning of his words, they would change everything if they were to be true," Do you even know, what you are saying?" she couldn't help but speak loudly, these were dangerous matters with dangerous outcomes.

"He is a Targaryen." Those three words confirmed her suspicions. Fire and Blood, those words, Ronnika always thought that Jon lived by those because he had always stood loyal with avid fire by his family and his people. Jon Snow then isn't his real name, he is the real crowned prince of Westeros, son of Rhaegar, Jon Targaryen.

There was a pregnant pause, the name Targaryen whispered itself into her ears. It meant fire, blood and dragons and that meant nothing her. She finally looked back at Bran, holding his steady gaze," He is a Stark, no matter what. Targaryen or not. Just like me, I'm a Martell and a Lannister."

"Winter is here and we must fear the long night it will bring." Bran said as he looked at the blue white sky and then snow at their feet." Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves will grow gaunt and hungry and the white walkers move through woods."

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