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"It is fucking orange, Jamie. Orange." Ronnika pointed to wedding dress, the poor girl was trembling while holding it in her hands. It was day before the wedding and dress fitting wasn't going as it was expected. It was another matter that when it came to Ronnika the dress fitting would never go with smooth sailing road. She was picky and bitchy but that didn't matter because she was the Lone Wolf.

Jamie sighed and looked at poor maid girl, if he were in her place he'd too be afraid. He had been here from the morning, his brunette cousin invited him to her dress fitting or it was more of dress choosing. Jamie never knew if he was miserable or happy at this occasion because first it was dress fitting and he hated it almost as much Ronnika did, secondly her comments were hilarious." I remember the time my father sent you an orange dress and you ripped it apart and had a pig wear it." He slightly smiled at thought of that day.

She slight smile made its way on her lips," Yes, it was quite funny to watch his expression when he saw that pig. At least the man learned never to give orange dresses to anyone. I don't even know what he was thinking ? It was fucking orange for seven god's sake."

Jamie shook his head, as he looked around the room which was mostly filled dresses... on all the sides. "What about that one ?" Jamie pointed to cream colored dress with pretty flowers stitched on it. It was long and elegant.... But it was too puffy.

Ronnika scrunched her nose in disgust," No. It too puffy and its cream color Jamie. I don't think wearing a cream colored dress is great choice on your wedding day. Even Wild doesn't like it." Wild who had been sitting by Ronnika's side shook his head. "See, even Wild knows no one wears cream."

"Well, pick one. How hard can it be ?" Jamie huffed as he sipped the wine." And you are being bitch, cousin. No one likes a bitch."

Ronnika gaped at him," Jamie we've been here for three hours and yet we couldn't a fucking dress, that's how hard it is. And as for being bitch...... Well I am beautiful and I am rich so it doesn't really matter. Not to mention I'm marrying a prince."

"So, is Tyrion coming to the wedding ?" she asked as she stood up, looking through different dresses.

Jamie shook his head," No, I got his raven. He says he is sorry that he can't make it. Apparently we have trouble in Kingslanding with rising of religious fanatics." Ronnika shot him curious look to encourage him to go on further," Knight of Flowers has been arrested and streets are now run by the fanatics. Our cousin Lancel is to part of it too."

Ronnika humorlessly chuckled," I always thought he was most stupid of us all. And he proved me correct. Our pretty blonde cousin, Lancel such a pity. I assume Cersei and Tywin will take care of it."

"Yes, though I'm worried. She doesn't like Margery and she hated Loras her betrothed. She will see it to he is imprisoned but Tyrells won't be happy about it, especially Olenna Tyrell. "Jamie leaned back on his chair.

Of course she wouldn't, Ronnika thought. She admired Olenna Tyrell in some ways and she was such fun to be around, old woman with sharp tongue and her son, the lord of Highgarden, a ponderous oaf. She looked at Jamie with serious look on her face," With riots in the capital, I don't think Cersei should go against Tyrells for now. Margery is the queen now, it would be wise to have Tyrells by your side. City will starve if it weren't for Tyrells. You need them. Now, more than ever with city's uprising and Loras's arrest."

Jamie just nodded, he knew she was right. They shouldn't fight among themselves for at least now. City had an uprising and they needed to take back the control. He was also worried about Tommen and Cersei with all the uprising and all but he was bit grateful as Tyrion was still there.

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