Silly Daze: Part 7

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*media is only because I --and now Sang too lol-- love Bellarke so much and the writers are killing me making me wait!* 

Chapter 7 : End-games and Endgame

The surrender went smoothly, both sides eyeing each other suspiciously but even North being relegated to suffer the silence. It was more like a noon-time showdown from an old western. Only instead of waiting for one side to draw faster than the other, one side seemed to be staring moodily at the other.

Sang and Luke walked hand in hand across the cafeteria, aiming for Mr. Blackbourne because even Luke knew that he was going to need to see his Cupcake first.

It was almost a perfect silence until "Oy! You fuckers are just making it? How the hell do you miss all this shit?!"

Sang whipped around to stare curiously at Gabe, her mouth opening in a silent yawn and Luke's arms going around her shoulders just in case his Cupcake decided to return to the battlefield.

North, Silas, and Dr. Green—obviously confused at Gabe's words—followed his squinty gaze towards the entrance to the cafeteria where Kota and Victor stood, Kota's "Mr. B." face nearly identical to the one person who seemed not surprised by anything else that could possibly happen.

In fact, Mr. B.'s voice when he spoke was as unsurprised as could be. "Mr. Lee, Mr. Morgan, I take it your mission went well?" Poor guy didn't even put up the effort to straighten his hair...or to knock off the jello on his shirt...or to simply not look like Sang had given him a hell of a day.

Kota nodded, giving Mr. B. a nod and a silent We'll report fully later.

Sang, seeing Victor and Kota, grinned and ran towards them, leaving Luke in her dust and practically leaping past North.

She leapt into Victor's arms, Victor who did his princely version of a total shit-eating grin at the embrace. She began planting tiny kisses on his cheeks, pulling back to say "You guys missed the best day ever! Owie and I—"

Kota's eyes flew to Mr. Blackbourne's—Since when did she call you Owie?-- who just shrugged in response.

Sang was smiling and babbling to Victor like an excited toddler about all that she'd done that day. North, hearing some of it, started to stomp towards her yelling "BABY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU DANCED ON A COUNTER? WHAT THE FUCK IS A FUCKING WAGON?!"

At this point, the yelling sounded more like a whisper to Luke, he could just turn it down in his head. He giggled to himself, happy his daydreaming skills came in handy so often.

Silas walked to the trio near the entrance, reaching out and saying "Aggele Mou, I have missed you today. Would you like to tell us all the stories of your Best Day?"

Dr. Green paused them all, "I'd like to go ahead and check her out first, okay. We can go back to her checkup room, 305. I'll take a few minutes to look her over and then we can all find out what all Pookie got up to today." Mr. Blackbourne shot him a glare, definitely not his best work because Dr. Green just laughed and whistled as he walked up to the others and put an arm around Sang's shoulders, guiding her from the room.

Mr. Blackbourne cleared his throat, "While he's checking over Ms. Sorenson, we all need to get this place cleaned up. I daresay that Ms. Sorenson will be incredibly upset if she realizes how much of a mess she made today."

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