5 | B A C K F I R E

Start from the beginning

She hated Kingston and it was almost comical. I think it was because she was here first and is territorial when it comes to me, but she wasn't someone to play with.

"Look, imma need you to chill the fuck out with the smartass comments cause I've been waiting to fuck you up—"

I glared down at him, pulling the gun I had on my side out and pointing it at him. "If you ever decide to threaten her while I'm present or even when I'm away, that's your ass." He looked at me from out of the corner of his eye and his jaw clenched. "Got me, sweetheart?" His eyes fell back on Lauryn as she smirked at him and stuck her tongue out. He took too long to answer before I took the gun off it's safety. "Got me?"

"Yeah, man." He rolled his eyes as soon as I moved the gun. He got up and walked into my kitchen to grab a water bottle before sitting at the island with his arms crossed like a giant baby.

"Like I was saying," I glared at him before looking back to everyone else. "Everyone else just be on standby in case you're needed, okay?" They all nodded their heads and I let them leave so that they could spend the rest of the night with their families or spouses.

"Let's get dressed so we can head out, pretty girl." I patted Savanna's head and she groaned, grabbing my wrist so I could pull her from the couch.

"Why don't you ever send Lauryn to these clubs with you? She's old enough."

"One, Lauryn hates clubs. Two, you love clubs. And three, because you're a con woman. Clubs scenes are your natural habitat." I chuckled and she dusted the imaginary dust from her collar.

"I mean, at least you know." She laughed before grabbing her overnight bag that kept her things inside and went up towards the bathroom to get ready.

I walked into my room and shut the door just to hear it open again. "What Kingston?"

"How'd you know it was even me?" He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. "I didn't even make a sound."

"I know the sound of footsteps. Yours are heavy but you slide them across the floor." I grabbed my brush from the dresser and began to brush all of my hair back, pulling it into a ponytail when I felt his lips brush against my neck.

"Not right now, King." I rolled my eyes and tried to push him arms from around me, but failed.

"Why not? I know for sure that y'all not leaving until another few hours cause the clubs don't actually pop off until late at night. You got a few hours to kill, baby." He smirked and pulled away to look at the both of us in the mirror.

If it was one thing I hated, it was when he called me baby. It sounded so off coming from his mouth. "Look at us." He mumbled. "We could've been the most feared couple in every single state that you own, but you keep shooting a nigga down."

I frowned and fully pushed myself from his grip. "Um, you know I never wanted a relationship, and that's not my goal." I went to my closet, walking in to grab a black bodysuit and laying it on my bed. "You want to be a feared couple, I want to just be feared and respected, and I don't need a man to validate that." I looked at him and shrugged.

Kingston leaned against my dresser and watched me, nodding his head, but not listening to what exactly I was saying. "That stunt you pulled downstairs wasn't right either, by the way. Trying to bitch me out in front of everybody cause you have a gun up to my head?"

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