Chapter 10 part 2

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"It went well, I'll text you everything that happened but it was crazy." I said.

"How are your parents? Did you meet your dad?" she asked.

"Yeah, they in the car. Want to meet them?" I asked

"Hell yeah, I gotta see who yo daddy is." she said laughing.

We walked over to the car and I asked my dad to roll down the window and when he did.

"Oh snap!" she said. "Yo daddy Jay Z"

I just nodded my head. She was dying laughing.

"Oh excuse me this is just too crazy." she said.

"Mom, dad, this is my best friend Rachel." I said.

"Nice to meet you Rachel." my mom said.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. and Mrs. Carter." she said.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow and I'll text you later." I said hugging her.

"Okay." she said. "Nice to meet y'all."

My parents waved as I got back in the car.

"She gonna tell people?" my dad asked.

"Nope, she knew about mom and never said anything." I said as we drove off.

"She seems like a nice girl." my mom said.

"Yeah she is. Her and Damien crushing on each other though." I said.

"How you know that?" my dad asked.

"I hang with both of them and they talk about each other all the time." I said.

"Oh" he said.

"Actually I'm pretty surprised she was calm when she saw you dad." I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"She's your number one fan." I said.

"Oh, that's cool." he said.

"How did y'all meet." my mom asked.

"Fifth grade, when all the girls were picking on me she wasn't and stood up for me. We been cool ever since." I said.

"That's nice, what about her parents?" my mom asked.

"Divorced, one brother but she lives with mom her dad works in the industry." I asked.

"What he do?" she asked.

"Sound guy, engineer." I said shrugging. "She said he did studio work back in the 90's now he just do local go go bands and artist sometimes."

"Oh." she said.

We were riding around until we finally made it to the hotel. Once we got settled I forgot that I didn't have any clothes.

"Uhm, what am I suppose to do about tomorrow? I don't have any clothes." I told my mom.

"I know." she said.

"So does this mean we're going shopping?" I said smiling.

"No" my dad said.

My smiled dropped.

"Then what am I supposed to wear then?" I asked.

"We're going back to your aunts house to get your stuff." my dad said.

I don't want to go back there. She makes my mom look like a punk and knowing the stuff she did with our letters really pisses me off. I want to know why she did it. Who does stuff like that?

Shawn's POV

This lady is gonna give us her stuff. She talking bout you ain't gonna just take her like that. Well watch and see. We're her parents and we will do as we please. If she don't cooperate I'm gonna have to go to the police because it's a federal offense to mess with people's mail. I have no problems sending her to jail. I told Bey and Chanel to wait in the car. It's not that I don't think my wife can handle the situation it's just it's her family and for me I've never met this women in my life. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. She came to the door looking not so friendly.

"Hello again." I said.

"Yeah, like I told you y'all not gonna just take her." she said.

"All we want is to get her stuff for school. You can keep everything else." I said.

"No." she said and closed the door.

It would have closed all the way if I didn't put my foot in the door way.

"Look, I don't want to have to call the police because messing with people's mail is against the law and a federal offense." I said.

She stared me down, I guess thinking I was bluffing. She finally opened the door and left. Damn, that was kind of easy. Just mention police and she wide open. I waved towards the truck for Chanel to come get her stuff.

Chanel's POV

I don't know why we had to wait in the car. Trey Songz was playing on the radio and I was singing along.I was singing to my mom being all dramatic. Y'all know the way he be in his videos. She was laughing, I'm glad, she hasn't really laughed since we got here. Then Kanye came on and I had to rap all his bars.

"Who taught you how to rap?" My mom asked.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"A lot of people know the words and say the words like myself but I'm not a rapper." she said. "But it sounds like you can actually rap."

"Oh I don't know. I didn't know their was a difference." I said shrugging.

"Well there is." she said.

I looked out the window and my dad was telling me to get my stuff. I got out the truck and walked up to the door.

"Hurry up and get your stuff. I'll be waiting right here." he said.

I nodded my head and got my stuff for school. I got my backpacks, clothes, and sneakers. I walked out the room and gave my dad my stuff.

"Give me a minute real quick." I said.

He nodded his head and walked to the truck. I went to my Aunt's room and knocked. She came to the door and just looked at me.

"Look, I don't know why you did what you did and what problems you have with my mother but I just wanted to say thank you and I forgive you." I said.

She hugged me and said how sorry she was. That's good and all but I don't think I will be over here for a while.

"Oh and I still want you at my graduation. If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have passed." I said.

"I'll be there." she said smiling.

"Goodbye, Aunt Christine." I said and walked out of that house for good.

I read somewhere that you gotta forgive people or you gonna be sitting with that for life and I don't need that weighing me down. I'm about to start a new life. I forgive her and I'll be praying for her.

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