Chapter 8: Rumour

Start from the beginning

"What's going on?" Hanbin asked curiously. He turned to Jisoo. "Why are they all staring at you?"

Jisoo also didn't know the reason why they were all staring at her. And those gossips, they couldn't be all about her, right? Anyway, the way they were looking at her was making her uneasy and uncomfortable.


The three of them turned and saw Yunhyeong running towards them. By the time he reached them, he was already out of breath.

"What is it now?" Bobby scratched his head, getting more annoyed. "These noises are getting on my nerves now."

"You—" Yunhyeong panted. "You have to see this right now."

Yunhyeong brought them in front of the school's bulletin board. There were a lot of students who were also gathered there. When they saw Jisoo and her friends, they immediately made way as if they didn't want to be near her.

"Over there." Yunhyeong pointed at the poster plastered on the bulletin board along with the other club posters.

Jisoo squinted her eyes and tried to read the headlines. Her eyes suddenly widened.

"The New Girl, Kim Jisoo is a Whore?" Hanbin read out loud.

In the said poster, Jisoo was caught with Mino shopping in a supermarket. The next picture was showing her and the Student Council President inside the supermarket. The last one was her, entering inside Yoon's apartment.

"What the hell?" Hanbin stepped closer. "Who did this?"

Hanbin whipped his head towards the onlookers, his eyes glaring. Jisoo clenched her fists, feeling her anger rising up. How would she explain this to the people? She was still new to their school. She haven't even established herself more properly yet but they were already slandering her.

Yunhyeong grimaced, looking over to where Jisoo was standing. He looked hesitant. "They're not true, right? I mean, they're just photoshopped."

"Yah!" Hanbin shouted, making Yunhyeong flinch. "What are you saying? Don't you trust Jisoo?"

"Yah!" Yunhyeong shouted back. "I'm just curious! If they were not photoshopped then who were the other two guys in the picture?"

Hanbin scoffed. "You two-faced traitor! I can't believe you would doubt Jisoo's purity. Jisoo would never do such a thing, isn't that right, Bobby?"

They all turnred to Bobby. Bobby stayed quiet but deep down, he was seething in anger. Who would dare tarnish his friend's name? Bobby didn't mind if he was the one being aggravated as long as his friends remained untouched.

Jisoo swallowed. She was hesitant to look at Bobby. What kind of expression Bobby was making, she wondered. She was afraid he would also think badly of her. Jisoo tried to peek and saw Bobby's blank face.

"Bob—Bobby-ah." Jisoo whispered, calling him.

Bobby suddenly moved, ripping the poster off the wall. Everyone jumped out of surprise. Even Hanbin and Yunhyeong stepped back, hugging each other. Bobby turned around, glaring at everyone who were present at that place.

"Anyone who tries to spread this rumours around will have to answer to me!" Bobby shouted.

Everyone flinched. They avoided Bobby's peircing gaze. Some of them even left, feeling scared. Jisoo felt worried and touched at the same time. She was glad she had a friend to protect her but she was also worried it would just put him in more difficult situation. This was all her uncle TOP's fault. He never should've told Bobby to watch over her.

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