eighteen ; present

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I do."

The stunned girl couldn't help but return his kind expression, allowing the corners of her lips to upturn and curl into a small, heartfelt grin, because truth be told she'd never been more happy with herself. She achieved something that she previously thought couldn't be done, she earned someone believing in her for her capacity to be considerate and selfless and... human, which were things she'd abandoned for so long. Pru felt like she was on the right path and was thankful that Scott was willing to guide her along that. He was a good friend to have.

"Okay then someone better start explaining what I missed, because I'm ready to save Stiles and help you guys fix this mess once and for all." Lydia said, carefully moving herself into a sitting position and letting the pillow behind her prop her up.

"I couldn't agree more." Scott answered honestly, pulling up two chairs beside the hospital bed. "Pru, why don't you tell us what happened from the beginning before we get to what happened after you guys showed up? Why weren't you here the first time he was in Beacon Hills?"

The blonde sat down next to him, finding herself unhesitant and not afraid at all to finally tell the truth. "Just to warn you: it's kind of a long story. But, it all started hundreds of years ago, and I was walking home from my grandmother's cottage..."

"SO, ARE YOU GOING TO TELL me what exactly we are looking for?" Scott McCall asked, speaking up for the first time ever since they had gotten back in the car.

They were about to pull into their destination, Beacon Hills High School, and his sudden question interrupted the blue-eyed girl as she stared out the window. The car ride had been silent, but not due to awkwardness or uncomfortableness, it was actually a relaxing kind of quiet. Really they had both been caught up thinking. Scott had been remembering certain pieces of what the blonde had told him earlier on and trying to understand how the nogitsune had a totally different side of himself the werewolf never could have predicted. He had assumed whatever the relationship Pru and Void had wasn't that serious, that in the end he at least would drop her if things got too complicated, but that wasn't the case.

Prudence herself hadn't allowed herself to think about her dearly beloved dark fox and when she told their tragic story, it brought up memories, ones she couldn't help but get sucked into for a moment. She recalled the playfulness in his eyes and the way he would uncontrollably chuckle whenever she let out a giggle, joining her in laughter every time even if the situation wasn't that funny to him. Or the how the coolness of his skin would always heat up when she was close and how if she dared to taunt him he would make it his mission to tease her more profoundly. They did make each other happy, and although she wasn't exactly in a depressing state right now, the human missed his presence.

"You'll see." The blonde promised, unbuckling her seatbelt as soon as Scott slid the car into a parking spot.

Both of them got out of the vehicle, the werewolf leading the way while they walked towards the front of the school—or more specifically towards the statue-like monument that had the name of the school engraved on it. Malia was there waiting for them, deciding to run there rather than bother her father for a ride and having to listen to his horrible taste in music that the werecoyate let known that she didn't like. She glanced at Scott briefly before letting her face twist into a frown when she caught sight of the girl that weeks ago was helping cause the torment of her pack, definitely not being up to trusting her. It took a twenty minute argument over the phone for Scott to convince Malia not to eat her.

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