Ep.5: The Inconveniencing

Start from the beginning

Wendy: *returns the signs* Later dorks. *jumps down trees until she reached the ground and entered the van which left shortly after*

Dipper: Later Wendy!!! *chuckles awkwardly* Good times...

Mabel: Uh oh~

Dipper: What?

Mabel: Somebody's in love~!!!

Dipper: Yeah right! I just think Wendy's cool, okay? It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her.

You: ...

I didn't get much sleep that night, the thought of him liking Wendy just... it just wouldn't leave my mind. I took my journal and wrote about, writing my feelings has always made me feel better in a way. The next day we were in the gift shop when Mabel yelled out of the blue:

Mabel: RANDOM DANCE PARTY FOR NO REASON!!!!!! *turns on her radio and start to dance*

You and Wendy: *start to dance as well*

Dipper: *writes something down on the notebook*

Wendy: Dipper!!!

Dipper: *almost drops the notebook* I uh, yes?!?

Wendy: Aren't you gonna get in on this?!?

Dipper: I uh, don't really dance...

Mabel: Yeah you do! Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do... the Lamby dance...!!!

Dipper: Now is not the time to talk about the Lamby dance!

You: Lamb costume?

Wendy: Woah, is there like little ears and a tail or-

Dipper: Well uh-huh...

Mabel: *takes out a picture of young Dipper in the lamb costume* Dipper would prance around and sing a song about grazing!

You: Aww!

Mabel: *laugh*

The cuckoo clock rings.

Wendy: Hey look at that! Quit'n time!The gang's waiting for me.

Dipper: Hey wait, uh maybe I could- or we could come with you!

Wendy: Oh I dunno, my friends are pretty intense! How old did you were?

Dipper: We're thirteen, so technically a teen!

You and Mabel: *look at each other confused*

Wendy: Alright, I like your moxie kid, let me get my stuff. *leave*

You: Since when are we thirteen?!?

Mabel: Is this a leap year?

Dipper: C'mon guys! This is our chance to hang out with, you know, the cool kids! ...and Wendy, and whatever...

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