18 2 1

Follow me!" Lauren yelled. Just then they heard another booming sound. Both looking up they watched with an horrible expression as the ceiling cracked and they realised the building would crumble down on their head any second.

"Shit, we have to go now!" Camilla yelled. Lauren reacted immediately and dragged the boy to the big white door of the gym.

"There is an emergency exit in the end of the locker room. It will lead us directly outside the building if I remember correctly". Lauren told them in such an determined voice that it gave Camila goose bumps all over her arms and made here stomach feel like it was doing backflips.

Lauren pushed against the door expecting it to open but unfortunately it only moved a couple centimetre. Looking up at the ceiling they both realised that if they weren't fast enough, the building would crush them in no time.

"Quick help me push!" the green eyed girl screamed over the loud booming sounds filling their eardrums.

They put the boy on the ground against the side of the wall who let out a cry of pain because of the sudden change of position.

Camila locked eyes with Lauren as they put their hands on the big door.

The door only moved a little more but still not enough for them to go through.

"Something is blocking it! What do we do?!" Camila asked Lauren who had an unreadable expression on her face. It was like the beautiful girl in front of her wasn't even scared. Camila was the exact opposite. Her knees where shaking heavily and her breath was uncontrollable fast.

Lauren probably noticed it because she put a comforting hand on Camila's shoulder.

"Let's try again. I'm not going to die here because we couldn't get this stupid door to open. We can do it" Lauren smiled.

Camila nodded with a little smile and focused on the door again. They both took a deep breath and then they pushed with all the power they had.

Slowly the door began to move and finally there was enough space to slip through.

Lauren, still very calm, turned to face Camila. "Told you we could do it" she smirked.

Camila let out a nervous laugh and turned around the reach for the boy. They lifted him of the ground and made their way through the door. Looking behind they saw that a fallen cabinet had blocked the door from opening.

"This way!" Lauren yelled while turning to the left entering the locker room.

While they entered Camila notices the emergency exit sign in the back of the room. It was probably just 30 feet away.

Just when Camila thought they would make it she heard a creaking sound from above them. They probably had only a couple second left.

Just as they started to run the boy cried out in pain and fell on the ground now fracturing his leg even more. A pool of blood formed around him and the girls noticed that there was a big piece of sharp glass sticking through his foot.

"Go without me, I will only slow you down." The boy suddenly spoke in a weak voice.

"We are not going to leave you behind" Camila spoke while looking at him in his blue eyes.

"But...." The boy spoke. "NO!" Camila cut him off. "WE ARE GETTING OUT OF HERE TOGETHER AND WE ARE NOT LEAVING YOU BEHIND!"

Suddenly all her fear was gone and instead her heart filled itself with courage. Lauren looked at her with a surprised expression on her face and then smiled. "Let's get out of here then".

The girls bend down an lifted the boy once again and started running to the exit. Some Lockers fell down right in front of them but they reacted quickly and jumped over them with the boys arms still around there shoulders.

Finally after what seemed like hours the made it to the exit door. Camila pushed the door handle down and luckily the door opened just in time for them to take a leap of faith outside when the ceiling broke down and crumpled to pieces.

Dust, glass and pieces of bricks flow around to every possible direction.

The three lay on the ground squishing their eyes shut and hoping it would be over soon. Camila lay against the boy on the ground while Lauren hovered on top of them, holding them in a tied embrace trying to protect their heads.

After a couple of minutes witch seemed like the longest minutes of Camila's life, laying there together on the ground the loud noises slowly turned into a soft humming sound and a couple seconds later finally went silent.

Camila's eardrums throbbed painfully against her skull and she left out a small groan. Slowly lifting her eyelids she looked straight into the boys green eyes. A tear rolled down his face but he had a soft smile on his face.

She now had a change to examine him a little more. He was probably around 14 years old. His brown curly locks of hair covered a small part of his face. His eyes where green but not as piercing green as Laurens. He had a cute smile with small dimples on both sides of his cheeks.

"Are you guys okay?" Lauren suddenly spoke. Camila jolted a little when she heard the raspy voice coming from above her. A lump formed in her throat when she felt Laurens warm body on top of hers.

"uhhmm... y-yeah I'm fine." Camila spoke with a shaky voice. "Besides a broken leg and a piece of glass sticking in my foot, couldn't feel any better" the boy groaned trying to put a soft smile on his face.

"Oh fuck I forgot, sorry!" Lauren quickly lifted her body off the ground and got on her feet.

She put her hand out for Camila to grab. Camila was still a little stunned as she took the warm hand and got up from the stone surface.

Lauren pulled her up with little too much force and their foreheads bumped together. "Ouch" they both gasped and grasped their heads. "Shit sorry are you okay?" Lauren asked with a worried face. Camila couldn't hold back a laugh and nodded. "Thought I gave you a concussion for a second there" Lauren now also laughed.

They were standing awfully close, the green orbs staring right in Camila's eyes. She noticed that they were still holding hands and quickly let go and looked away embarrassed.

"Wow...." The boy suddenly spoke and Camila was glad that the uncomfortable situation was over.

The boys eyes focused on the environment around them and the girls quickly looked at what he was referring to.

Camila's heart skipped a beat when the saw what damage the earthquake had done to the school and rest of the neighbourhood.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm gonna start the fic with a couple of chapters and then I'll update daily x Twinkle that star below <3

Until then (Camren Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz