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Dylan Waters

I walk in the door, absolutely exhausted from work. I sit on the couch while mom is in the kitchen making food. “Okay, don’t say hi to your mother. Whatever, Dylan.” She says as I plop down.

“Hi mom.” I say as I turn on the tv.

“Hi son, how was your day?” She said sweetly.


How was yours mom? Oh, it was great, thank you for asking…” She tried to mimic my voice. “Ungrateful child.”

“I know right, Dylan is so rude.” My little brother, Charlie, walked in and sat at the counter. “I’m the good child.”

“Right…” My mom replied. “Anyways, when are you going to have your little sleepover?”

“He’s having a sleepover?” I groan.

“It’s not a sleepover, it’s a party that lasts over night. And yes I am.”

“You know have to actually invite people. It can’t just be you and your hand this time.”

“Ha ha ha.” He threw a newspaper at the back of my head.

“Hey, both of you. Stop it. Inappropriate, Dylan.” My mother hissed.

“When is dinner ready?” I ask.

“When you guys want to start helping me.”

“I’ll help mom, because I’m a good child.” Charlie amplified.

“Er… That’s okay… Actually dinner is ready.” She said. I clap my hands together, turn off the tv, then help with setting the table. We all sat down and started piling up our plates.

“So, anything new since you guys started excluding me out your lives?” Mom asked, staring at us.

“Mom, we’re not bad kids and we don’t exclude you from our lives.” I say.

“Well, it sure seems like it.” She retorted. “You know, when you guys were little you always would tell me everything about your day. Even when you guys would take a dump.”

“Mom…” We groan together.

“I remember one time, Dylan, when you came from daycare and you -“ Thank God the phone started ringing.

“Oh mom, just finish the story.” Charlie said, glaring at me with a devilish grin, but she was already up and getting the phone. I roll my eyes. A few minutes later she comes back and sits back in her seat. She didn’t eat and just bit her nails. I watch her, seemed to be a little more quieter. She would have normally started her story back up again, but not this time.

“Who was it?” I ask.

“The Smiths, from across the street.” That’s Courtney’s family.

“Everything alright?”

“Something happened to Courtney.” My stomach squirmed.

“Is she alright?” My head starts making up reasons. Cut too deep? Suicide?

“She got into a bad car accident, I don’t know what happened yet, but -“

“Which hospital?” I get up and shove the rest of my food down my throat.

“You’re not going -“

“Mom, please, she’s my friend, I need to know what hospital she’s at.” I say as I put my shoes on.

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