Chapter 5

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*I'm updating this while I'm at a concert, you all better love me xD*

Skyler P.O.V.

When I open my eyes, I see a white ceiling and my neck is killing me. What happened? I wonder, softly rubbing my throat. I notice an annoying beeping sound and look to my right to see a heart monitor. I'm in a hospital. Suddenly I remember a rope burning my neck and falling from a tree.


I look to my left and see someone slumped in a hospital chair, asleep. He's very tall, about six feet, very skinny, and has short black hair. I gasp, surprised; I would recognize him anywhere. He's the lead singer of one of my favorite bands, Black Veil Brides. But what is Andy Biersack doing in my hospital room? My throat closes up when I realize that he saw what I had tried to do. My cheeks redden from humiliation. The first time I'm going to meet one of my idols, and it's in a hospital room after I tried to kill myself, I think bitterly. Suddenly my neck feels like it's been set on fire. Tears stream down my face and I groan involuntarily, which wakes Andy up. I open my mouth to apologize for waking him, but he talks first.

"Don't talk," he says, standing up, "It
might make it worse. I'll go find a doctor." And with that, he leaves the room.

A few minutes later, Andy comes back with a doctor. She is short, with pretty blonde hair and fair skin.

"Hi, sweety," she says, and I notice she has a slight southern accent. "I'm doctor Laurence Brady. There's not much we could do about your neck now; it's going to hurt for a while. I'll give you some painkillers, though." She hands me two large blue and white pills and a bottle of water. I take the pills and thank her before she leaves the room.

After the pain has subsided enough that I don't feel like I'm going to burn to death, I look at Andy and say awkwardly, "Um....hi..." then look away.

"Hi," he chuckles in that deep voice of his, "I'm Andy."

"I know," I reply, then blush, embarrassed, "I'm Skylar." There is an awkward silence for a moment or two.

"Do you want about anything? "Andy asks hesitantly. I shake my head no.

"I'm sorry," I said after another awkward silence," I probably freaked you out."

"It's okay," he says, "How long have you wanted to do that?"

At first I don't want to reply, but then I say, "A few years. Since I was nine or ten."

Tears roll down my cheeks, but I don't realize it until Andy pulls me into a hug and whispers, "It's okay. No one can hurt you now, I promise." Him saying that makes me cry even more. He sits on my bed, and for a while, we just stay that way, me crying and him hugging me, saying I'm going to be okay.

A little while later, after I calm down, Andy pulls back from the hug and says, "Do you want anything to eat?" I shake my head no and thank him.

"So you knew my name. Do you listen to my band?" he asks hopefully. I nod.

"A lot, actually. Black Veil Brides are one of my favorites." His face lights up, and I am taken back by how innocent and child-like he looks. This is a celebrity who cursed out an entire audience at the Golden Gods Awards. Innocence is not what I was expecting.

"What?" he asks, confused. My thoughts must have shown on my face.

"Um - nothing," I say awkwardly, "Um - why were you there when - you know....." I trail off.

"I was at a party with Ashley and went out for a smoke. Speaking of Ashley, I should probably call him." He goes to take his phone out of his pocket, then swears. "Shit. I left it at the party," he says, "Do you have a phone I can use?"

"No," I reply, "Mine was smashed. Sorry." Andy sits back down, looking worried. "He's probably not sober enough to have a conversation anyway," I say, attempting to make Andy feel better. He smiles.

"Probably," he laughs. A minute later, Dr. Brady returns.

"How are you feeling?" she asks me.

"Okay," I lie. As usual, I'm feeling broken and alone. But I know that's not what she means.

"You were very lucky, " she states, "Most people's injuries are a lot worse. The only thing you'll need to take for the next few weeks are painkillers."

"Okay," I say, releived. I absolutely hate taking pills, so the fewer, the better.

"But -" she says.


"You'll have to spend at least three days in a nearby psychiatric ward," she says. My mouth falls open and I feel a new round of tears coming on.

"I'm sorry," she says, "But this is a serious issue, and we can't just let you go home without any help, where you could hurt yourself again.

"Speaking of home, can I have your mom or dad's phone number to tell them what happened?"

"Um...I don't think my mom is home," I lie.

"Well, we have to at least try to get in contact with an immediate family member." I can see there's no getting out of this one. I take a deep breath, give her the number, then lay down, staring at the ceiling with tears still in my eyes as the doctor leaves the room to call my mom.

"Where are you from?" Andy asks.

"Alexandria, Ohio." His eyebrows shoot up.

"Wow, that's a while away," he replies.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Columbus. Why are you in this city?" he asks. I tell him about the kidnapping, leaving out the part about Conner, and reassure him that the fresh cuts on my arm are from my kidnapper, not me. Retelling the story, I feel like crying again, but I'm just too exhausted. Andy is shocked, then angry. He opens his mouth, about to say something, when Mom walks in, looking pissed, with a tight grip on Damon's small arm.

Oh shit...

*Okay, I got no sleep last night, and I'm editing at 5:30 AM, so if its not that great, please don't hate me.

It wasn't the most exciting chapter, but there will be more drama in the next I promise :).

Vote, comment, follow me and Ill buy you all fancy tube socks!!!! °_°*

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