Chapter 2

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Later that day, I sit in my room listening to the new Black Veil Brides album, Wretched and Divine, while doing my Spanish homework.

♫The gates of heaven were locked shut. The pits of hell they were all filled up, and I fear, I don't belong here......♫

"We Don't Belong" plays quietly as I finish page 513. I lay down and immediately feel my eyelids droop.


Around one in the morning,my door opens and I am woken up.The light from the hallway fills my room.

"Dad?" I say softly, still half asleep. He doesn't say anything, but keeps walking forward.

"What do you want?" I ask, confused. He's close to my bed now.

He puts his hand over my mouth and whispers, "Just shut up." I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Tears fill my eyes. I try to pull his hand off my mouth, but he's too strong. Now he's on top of me. He puts his hand up my shirt and squeezes hard and I cry out. I squirm, trying to escape, but he holds me down.

"Calm down, sweetheart," he says lovingly. Tears roll down my cheeks. One of his hands goes back up my shirt and the other starts pulling my pajama pants off. He kisses me, and it's disgusting. He tastes like whiskey and something else, something foul. I sob, and his mouth moves to my neck, my chest, my stomach, lower.

"Stop!" I try to yell, but my voice is weak and shaky from crying. He slaps me, and my face burns.

"Shut up," he says angrily, "Don't tell anyone, or else." Then he leaves, and I'm left alone with my silent cries, dark thoughts, and the taste of whiskey.

*end of dream*

I wake up with tears on my face and the strong urge to cut myself. My whole body is shaking and I feel the blood boiling in my arms. I look at my arms, seeing each and every one of my scars. They remind me that I'm a freak, I'm ugly, I'm worthless. I get off my bed and open my dresser, finding a blade. I'm about to dig it into my skin when I hear a large crash from the living room and tiny feet running up the stairs, follwed by screaming from Mom. I quickly put the blade away and close the dresser drawer. Damen runs into my room crying.

"S-Skywer, Mommy's mad again," he stutters. His nose is bleeding. Anger surges through me. If that bitch touches Damen one more time...

"Get back here!" Mom screeches, running up the steps. She must be drunk again. Damen sobs and I pull him closer, trying to comfort him. Mom runs into my room, clearly intoxicated. She grabs Damon by his hair and tries dragging him away, screaming something about him not cleaning up his mess. I rip her hands away and push Damon behind me.

"Stay away from him!" I scream. She steps closer and slaps me as hard as she can.

"Don't talk to your mother that way, you whore! You were a mistake!" she screams in my face," I wish you were never born. It's your fault your father left." I wish she would just hit me again. That would have hurt less.

"Just leave Damon alone," I whisper shakily. She glares at us, debating, then stomps out muttering "Stupid whore" and "worthless freak." When she leaves, I start crying. I will never cry in front of her. I won't.

Mom has been drinking ever since Dad left her for another woman three years ago. She blames me for it, telling me I'm a mistake, I'm worthless, I'm a whore. When I started beleiving her a year ago, I started cutting for releif.

Damon hugs me and doesn't say anything. I bend down so I'm face to face with him.

"We're gonna get out of here one day, I promise," I say with tears in my eyes. And I mean it. I turn eighteen next year, and once I do, I'm out of here, and I'm taking Damon with me.

"Why does Mommy get mad at me?" he asks, " What did I do wrong?" I try to think of a way to explain this without making Mom sound like a total monster.

"It's not your fault," I begin," Mommy just has a bad day sometimes." After a few silent minutes, I ask him if he wants to play a board game. After a few hours of playing the various games in the house, I send him to his room to get some sleep, and I fall asleep shortly after.


I wake up at five the next morning and go downstairs to see Mom passed out on the couch. I pour a bowl of Cap'n Crunch, then start my usual morning ritual, straightening my hair and applying eyeliner and mascara. When I'm finished, I put on a Black Veil Brides shirt and blue skinny jeans. Then I wake up Damon and help him pick his outfit for the day: blue jeans and a green shirt that says "Mommy's Little Rebel." Now I have to attempt to wake Mom up so she can drive Damon to daycare. I go downstairs and try saying her name, shaking her, even slapping her. I finally resort to pouring ice cold water on her. She jumps.

"Wha--? What happened?" she stutters.

"Wake up," I say," You have to drvie Damon to daycare." She sits up quickly and groans, holding her head, obviously hungover.

"Was I drunk again?" she asks," Did I hurt either of you?"

"You slapped me and gave Damon a bloody nose," I mutter, tears filling my eyes.

"I am so sorry, Skyler," Mom apologizes, her tears about to spill over. Riiiiggghhhhttt, I think.

"It's alright," I lie and force a smile, something I'm fairly good at. By this time, it's 6:50, so I leave for the bus stop.

Surprisingly, everything is okay until lunch. Once again, Max and I have nowhere to sit, so we eat outside, despite the snow. Christy and her crowd strut towards us and I try to ignore them.

"Hey, dog. Did you like my notes yesterday?" she smiles. I roll my eyes and continue eating my lunch.

"Hey, freak, she's talking to you, " Giovanna says angrily, "Are you deaf?"

"It's alright G," Christy starts, "Let the cow finish stuffing its face. It obviously doesn't see how fat it is." It.....,I think bitterly.

"Wow, deaf and blind," Giovanna says, and everyone laughs.

"Fuck off," I mutter, and everyone is quiet, tension as thick as a brick wall.

"What did you say, you stupid slut?" Christy asks quietly.

I swallow the lump in my throat and say, louder, "I said fuck off. I never did anything to you. The only reason you're being such a bitch is because you don't like my music." The group glares at me nastily, steam practically coming from their ears.

"Grab her," Christy demands. Giovanna and another girl grab my arms with a surprisingly strong grip. I try to kick them, screaming at them to let go and get away. Another girl, Claire, steps forward and punches me in the face, and I feel blood rush out of my nose. I cry out and Christy laughs. Max pulls Christy's hair, and Christy shrieks. She turns around and scratches Max, leaving bloody lines running down her face. The girls drag me and shove me into a fancy blue car. Someone punches me again and everything goes black.


*No band members yet, but I promise they're coming next chapter! Just hold in there! Thanks for reading!! Vote and comment!!! New update coming soon.*

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