Chapter 6

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"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Mom screams as I sit there silently in fear. "Why can't you just be normal?!" I think it's a rhetorical question, but then I realize she wants me to answer.

"I-I don't know," I start nervously, eyes filling up with tears. "I'm sorry-"

She interrupts me and says in a deep, stern voice,"The only thing you have to be sorry for is that rope breaking." My mouth opens in shock. I might have expected something like that from her if she had been drinking, but right now she's perfectly sober. She turns to Andy. "And you! Why did you have to butt in to her business! If she wanted to die so badly, you should have just let her."

I'm the type to sit there silently and take shit like that. Andy--well, he took ten minutes out of his band's playing time at Warped Tour to tell off a guy that was flipping him off. So, no, he wasn't about to deal with my mom's bullshit.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asks calmly but angrily. "Your daughter is obviously in so much pain but you don't seem to care. It's people like you that make other people feel like absolute shit."

"And it's people like you and her that are absolute shit!" she screams, and Damon escapes her grasp and runs into bed with me. Mom opens her mouth to say something else when a nurse walks in and asks to speak with her. She rolls her eyes and reluctantly walks out.

Damon hugs me and sobs into my neck. "Why did you try to hurt yourself, Skywer?" he sobs. It's not until then that I break into tears.

"I'm sorry," I gasp in between sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." By now I'm holding on to him like someone who's drowning holds on to a life preserver. If I'm hurting him, he doesn't say anything. If anything, he hugs me tighter. We sit like that, crying and hugging and me saying sorry until we hear an awkward sounding cough from the left side of the room. When I look over, I realize that I had completely forgotten about Andy. I had always thought that if I met Andy, I would be clinging to him like a crazed fan girl, not my little brother. Then again, I would have
never thought that I would also meet Andy Biersack in a hospital room....

"Um, sorry," I apologize awkwardly, wiping a tear from my eye.

"It's alright," he replies with half a smile, and I could swear there's something loving in those blue eyes.

Damon suddenly gets up from my hospital bed and walks over to Andy. It's kind of funny seeing them standing next to each other; Andy's so tall, it's like looking at a giraffe standing next to a shitzu. "Thank you for saving my sissy," he says through his tears. At that point, Andy looks like he's about to cry, himself.

He bends down so much that he's basically sitting on his feet. He looks up at Damon, gently grabbing his shoulders, and says, "I will always be here to save Skyler. I promise." There are tears streaming down his face.

Before I even get a chance to properly introduce them to each other, Mom walks in with a sickening smirk on her face. That smug look turns to fury, though, when she sees Andy's hands on Damon's shoulders.

"Get your hands off of him, you emo creep!" She screams and pushes Andy. Andy, who's usually like a brick, falls to the ground, unprepared.

Now he's pissed. He pushes himself up furiously and says, "Alright, lady, you pushed me for the last fucking time--"

"Andy, please just stop," I beg, hoping to stop whatever was about to happen. He glances at me, then back at my mother. He sighs and sits in the chair by my bed.

My mother turns to me, smirk plastered on her face. "Maybe you can take your little boyfriend to the mental ward with you," she says smugly, even though Andy is anything but little. So that's why she looked so happy, I think. This is her own little victory, exactly the type of thing she wanted, even expected to happen. She is about to go on, but the nurse from before walks in and says that an ambulance is ready to take me to the psychiatric center, so my mom has to leave.

"Is there anything you want to say to your daughter before she leaves?" the nurse asks kindly.

Mom looks at me and monotonously says, "Next time you cut, make sure you go deep enough." And with that she walks out, dragging Damon closely behind.

Suddenly, the nurse's words sink in. I'm being locked up, I think anxiously. They have straight jackets there. Shit shit shit. My eyes burn, and I realize I'm crying again. My body is shaking and I'm becoming short of breath; the signs of an anxiety attack.

Andy notices and embraces me, whispering, "It's ok. It's gonna be okay. You're okay. Everything is going to be okay."

"I'm scared," I confess with what little breath I can collect.

"Just breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth," he says. I try it, and it helps me breathe a little better. "Those places aren't that bad. It's not like you see in the movies. I'll call you every day, I swear." They have calling there?

Two EMTs roll in a gurney, and I hold onto Andy even tighter. I beg him not to let them take me, and I make it hell for the EMTs to get me on the gurney. They eventually do though.

The one clear coherent thought that I have?

So this is what I missed out on dying for.


*YAAY FINALLY ANOTHER UPDATE. I got reinspired, and now I'm gonna try to update every week or so. But honestly I wouldn't believe me.....I'm the worst updater ever. Thank you so so much for over 700 views and thank you to the people's who left really nice comments. I'm surprised anyone is willing to put up with my slow updates. I love you guys! Please comment! It can be anything... thoughts about the story, ideas, constructive criticism (just don't be mean), etc. and vote! And share the story!*

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