Chapter 9

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~~~~~~~3 days later~~~~~~~~

Skyler P.O.V
"Skyler?" a member of the staff asks sticking his head in through the doorway.

"Yeah?" I say in reply. He tells me that my brother is coming up to see me. "O-okay..." I reply nervously. If Damon is here, then so is Mom... Five minutes later, the same staff member-Brian, I think-lead Andy into my room and I feel my anxious frown turn into a huge goofy smile, despite the slight sadness I feel because I won't be able to see Damon. As soon as Brian leaves, I run over to Andy and hug him tightly. I usually don't hug someone like this, especially one of my idols, and I don't know why I'm doing it now. Maybe it's because I haven't seen somebody from outside of this stupid place for three days (although it feels like a lot longer). He hugs me back, just as strongly.

"You told them you were my brother?" I laugh into his chest.

"Yeah," he chuckles, "Only family is allowed to visit." I wonder how he could know that, but I dismiss the thought quickly.

We hug for a few more seconds before I jokingly say, "Andy, you're going to suffocate me." He lets go, but still holds my shoulders at arms' length.

"I have a surprise for you," he sings, flashing his perfect smile. When I confusedly ask what, he says, "They should be bringing it any time now." As soon as he says that, a nurse-Bree-knocks and walks in with a bag of clothes, which she dumps on my bed.

"Thank you," I say, mystified. I didn't come here with any clothes and my mom, of course, wouldn't bring me any (or answer my phone calls, for that matter) so I've had to wear hospital scrubs, which are way too big on me. I look at Andy and there's a smile on his face. I smile and my face portrays surprise before I walk over to the bed to sort out the clothes. On the bed is an assortment of skinny jeans and band shirts, including Black Veil Brides (of course), Pierce The Veil, Falling In Reverse, Cute Is What We Aim For, Blink 182, Motionless In White, A Day To Remember, Sleeping With Sirens, Paramore, and This Wild Life. The skinny jeans come in red, dark purple, dark blue, light blue, black, and a black and grey pair with stars on one legs and stripes on the other. There is also a pair of mid-calf leather boots with no laces.

"Thank you so much!" I practically yell, and hug him again.

"You're welcome," he says. "I wasn't sure what bands you listen to, so I had to guess."

"Oh my god, I love them!" I yell, and let go. "Why-?"

"I figured that your mom wouldn't be willing to bring you shit, so..." He trails off.

"But why? Why are you bothering if you're probably busy with band stuff?" I ask, realizing it came out more depressing and self-pitying then I wanted it to. He seems to ponder the question for a moment or two.

"I don't know. When we got to talk in the hospital, I thought you were really cool, I guess, so I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He replies. As much as I try to suppress it, my inner fangirl shows itself through the blush quickly spreading through my face at the thought that Andy Biersack said I was cool. I look down and thank him silently.

"Awww, your face looks like a cherry," he teases with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up, does not!" I yell, jokingly throwing the hospital pillow at him. He rubs his shoulder, feigning hurt.

"Jesus, I feel like I just got hit with a rock," he says, picking the pillow up from the floor and punching it a few times. "They seriously make you sleep with these?" I nod.

"They're okay, once you get used to them," I respond. Just then, my Lyn walks in. She starts squealing like a little girl when she sees Andy. I quickly run over to her and put my hand over her mouth to get her to stop, explaining that the staff think he's my brother. Of course, while Lyn is really nice, she can tend to be a bit nosy, so when I move my hand from her mouth, I have to explain how I came to know Andy Biersack. Her reaction is a mixture of sadness and shock. I'm worried she's going to say something else very loudly about Andy Biersack being famous and not actually my brother, but the psychiatrist asks her to follow him for a session.

She's about to say something else when a very loud, high-pitched scream comes from down the hallway. It's probably Jessica again. She usually has a meltdown once or twice a day, so I was sort of used to it by now, but the screaming still triggers my anxiety because of my past with my mom. My body tenses up against my will and I feel like I'm suffocating. Tears spring to my eyes.

"Does that happen a lot?" Andy asks, turning back to me. When he sees that I'm scared, he sits on the bed and rubs my back soothingly. "Hey, hey, it's ok," he says in a soothing voice, "The staff won't let her hurt you. I won't let her hurt you. You're safe, I promise." He tells me to take slow, deep, breaths, and I do. After I'm breathing a bit more calmly, Andy slowly and carefully unclenches my hands, which I didn't realize have the bed sheet in a death grip. When he touches my hands, chills run up my arms. I gasp in surprise and he looks up at me.

"A-are you okay?" he stutters. Did he feel the same thing I did when he touched my hands? I nod.

"Yeah. Still just trying to catch my breath." It's half true. He successfully relaxes my hand, but still holds them.

"Are you okay here?" he asks, looking into my eyes. I won't be able to get away with just telling him what he wants to hear. "Are the employees treating you okay?" I look down, embarrassed by the seriousness of his gaze.

"Yeah. The doctors and staff are nice, but they're making me take anti-depressants," I say sadly, and he frowns slightly.

"I know it doesn't seem like it now, but the pills are gonna help," he says.

"I know but I really hate taking pills. I feel like a freak. I should be able to control my emotions," I open up nervously. I don't know why I'm so comfortable talking to him about stuff I won't even tell my therapist here, but I just am.

"You're not a freak," he says softly, "You're going through a really tough time, but that doesn't make you a freak. A lot of people have depression, but that doesn't make them freaks. You're not alone in this." He seems sincere. I nod my head slowly, trying to believe him. I desperately want to, but there's something holding me back. It's the same thing that holds me back from trusting most people: fear.

"How did you know that phone calls are allowed here, and that only family can visit?" I ask cautiously with my head down, avoiding his eyes. He sighs sadly.

"Someone I knew was in a place like this because of a suicide attempt," he says. He sounds heartbroken. I look up at him, surprised.

"I'm so sorry. Are they okay now?" I ask softly. He shakes his head, a few tears escaping his dark blue eyes.

"The hospital couldn't help." His voice breaks.

"Oh my god..." I say, realizing he lost someone to suicide. There is nothing to do but pull him into a tight embrace. Jessica is still screaming, but I'm no longer paying attention to it.

"I don't want to lose someone else," he admits.

"You won't lose me. I promise." Hopefully, when I get out of here and have to deal with the real world, I'll be able to stick to that promise.

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