Chapter 3

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When I wake up, a blindfold is wrapped around my eyes and I can feel the movement of a speeding car. Christy is insturcting her friends on what to do with me; they don't know that I'm awake.

"When we get there, bring her in and lock her downstairs," she says, "I need to get to seventh period or my mom will flip. Conner will watch her until we get back from school."

"That bitch is gonna get what she deserves," Claire says, and I can hear the smile in her voice. A few minutes later, the car stops. The girls grab my arms again and start dragging me out of the car. I hear a door open and my feet hit concrete instead of grass, so I'm guessing I'm in a building. Another door opens, and I'm shoved down a set of stairs.

What feels like an eternity later, I land on the ground. It smells old and musty. If I had to guess, I'm in a basement. Someone takes my blindfold off. The basement is small and bare, with concrete walls and floor. I try to get up and Christy kicks me in the ribs and laughs before I can.

"We'll be back later, you peice of shit." she says. Then they run up the stairs and lock the door. I stand up and put a hand on my ribs. I don't think they're broken. At least I hope not. I walk around, looking for something to pick the lock with, but it's too dark and I can't see. I'm screwed, I think dejectedly. Suddenly, someone yanks my hair, making me cry out and fall to the ground. I land on my arm, and I know instantly that it's broken. It feels like it's been set on fire. Tears fall from my eyes as my attacker picks me up roughly and laughs.

"Hey skank," he says with a smile. Through the dim light, I see it's my ex-boyfriend, Conner. We dated a year ago, until he made the football team and became popular. He cheated on me with three cheerleaders at one time, and when I broke up with him, he told everyone that I had tried to have sex with him. To get back at him, Max and I had egged his house. I guess he's getting his ultimate payback now.

"Long time, no see," he says. I try to escape his strong grip, but he pulls me against him. One hand keeps me pinned against his body, and the other goes to my ass.

"Not the best, but you'll do," he whispers in my ear. My eyes widen as I realize what he's planning to do.

"Leave me the hell alone, you pig!" I scream. I try to push away from him, but since one arm is probably broken, I'm stuck. He pushes me to the ground and gets on top of me.

"Calm down sweetheart," he says in my ear and pins my arms to the cold, concrete floor, "Please me, and I'll make Christy go easy on you."

Calm down sweetheart.......

Images flash in my mind. My dad, on top of me telling me to shut my mouth, touching me, hurting me..... "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I scream so loud my voice cracks. I kick and punch, despite my right arm feeling like every single bone has been crushed. Right now, I focus on nothing but the fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins. Conner slams my head off the floor so hard that the corner of my vision goes black. Wet, sticky blood clumps my hair together. I cry out. "Listen, bitch," he growls, "You're going to do what I say. If not, well - " He slams my head off of the floor again. I feel myself slipping out of counciousness. "Come on, baby, stay with me," he says softly, feeling my breasts. "Put your hand right here." He takes my bad arm and pulls it below his stomach. I instinctively try to pull back and cry out from the pain in my arm. He sees it. "Oh, god, is your arm broken? Does it hurt?" I nod, tears streaming down my face. He laughs viciously and grabs my arm with all his stregnth. An excruciating pain shoots through my arm and I scream at the top of my lungs. "Now put your hand here." he says forcefully through gritted teeth. He kisses me roughly, then moves down to my neck and moans. He stops to unzip his pants and takes mine completely off. "Please, no," I sob weakly. I try to fight him off, but I am weak; my attempts are pointless. He smiles. "This will feel great, babe, beleive me," he mutters in my ear and forces my legs are apart. "Ready?" he asks. I shake my head no, and sob. He ignores me and I feel a sharp pain between my legs. I sob loudly as he moans. When he's finished, he zips his pants, stands up, smirks, and walks away. My adrenaline is long gone, and I feel all of the physical and emotional pain of the day. My head is throbbing and still bleeding and my arm still feels like it's engulfed in flames. As the pain worsens, I feel my consciousness slowly ebbing away. Before long, everything goes black. I don't know how long I am unconscious, but when I wake up, Christy and her clique are standing over me. "Get up," she snarls. Claire and Giovanna pull me up. Claire punches me in the face and spits out, "Do you really think you can try to get with my boyfriend and get away with it, you worthless whore?" I spit blood on the floor. "What?" I stutter. I don't even know who her boyfriend is. "Conner? He just told me you tried to have sex with him. Again, you stupid slut. When are you going to get that he's not into you?" She kicks me to the ground and pulls out a pocket knife. She pulls up my sleeves, sees my scars,laughs, and says, "How about we make some more?" The blade digs into my skin and I let out a piercing scream. She digs it in, again and again, and I kick at her as blood runs down my arm. Somehow, I manage to escape. I run up the stairs towards the door as they chase after me; I know the chances of the door being unlocked aren't great, but I try anyway. Yes, I think, as the doorknob turns with a satisfying click. I stumble through a dark room, searching for a door with nothing but the moonlight shining through a window for light. Finally, I see one. I open it and run outside. It must be very late at night, because no cars are driving down the street. I run as fast as I can in a random direction. When I'm sure that they aren't following me, I stop and find myself at an old park. The gate is locked,so I hop the fence, hoping for a place to sit; I settle for a rusty swing. I breathe heavily, exhausted from the long run. What will happen when I face Christy and Conner in school tomorrow? What will happen when I go home tonight? Mom is going to be pissed...There's nowhere I can go, I think. I'm not safe anywhere. No one wants me, no one cares. I'm worthless. I'm better off dead. Better off dead... the thought repeats itself in my mind. Tears flow out of my eyes, and violent sobs escape me, as hard as I try to keep them in. I can't do this anymore. I can't, and I'm not going to have to. I stop crying, comforted by my plan. I get up and walk, not sure where I'm going. I end up wandering through the woods near the park, thinking over what I'm going to do. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but by the end of the night, I'm no longer going to be alive. This pain is going to end. I smile at the thought. But how am I going to do it? I can't get my hands on any sleeping pills, and I'm too much of a coward to cut that deep. I have no idea if there is a bridge around here; I don't know where here is. I notice a tree a few feet away with what looks like an old tire swing rope hanging from it. No one will notice I'm gone until it's too late, I think, and step towards the tree. I find a low, sturdy branch and start climbing. Halfway up, I hear something fall in the distance. I look behind me, but nothing's there. I shrug; it must have just been an animal. I continue climbing, thinking of everything that has driven me to this point. Freak. Whore. I wish you were never born. Go kill yourself, emo freak. No one will care. Memories of beatings from Mom, being raped by Dad, verbal abuse from my peers at school. It's all too much. I'm on the branch with the rope now. I take the rope, tie a noose at the end of it, and put it around my neck like a necklace. Kill yourself... The thought echoes in my mind. Years and years of being told that....Why haven't I listened to them until now? It's just so much easier..... I make sure the knot is tied tight, and I jump. The rope stops me when I am a few feet from the ground, and I see my vision going black at the corners already. Even though I want to die, I struggle to breathe out of instinct. I cough and sputter, waiting for the end to come. It comes slowly. After minutes of pointless struggling, I finally feel myself losing conciousness. "Hey!" I hear a deep voice scream. Someone is running towards my tree. It doesn't matter, they're too late, I think. Then the rope snaps, and I fall into the stranger's arms. The only thing I see is deep, dark, tear-filled blue eyes. Then everything goes black.

*Alot of Andy P.O.V next chapter. Sorry I took forever to update, there's been alot going on. Vote, follow, and comment, and I'll be the happiest person in the world ^.^*

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