◀Chapter Twenty-Five▶

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「please just stay for a little more」

Namjoon woke up Jimin's naked body snuggling his on to his bare chest, he adjusts to the lights and realized that they had fallen asleep shortly after mating on the floor of his studio, he slowly moves Jimin to lie down on his arm just so he can see him and he smiles as he recalls the memory of the previous night, their first night of intimacy and certainly not the last. 

He pushes his hair away from his face and ran his fingers from his cheek all the way down to the fresh, bright red mark on the base of his neck 

"That tickles Joonie," Jimin mumbles, bringing his hand up to push Namjoon's hand away from the sensitive mark "Good morning baby," Namjoon's voice was raspy and Jimin smiled dopily "Good morning," he kissed the alpha's lips "Last night was amazing." Jimin playfully bites at Namjoon's neck, taking the chance to leave petal-shaped bruises on him 

"Indeed it was," the alpha agrees and Jimin got up from the floor, Namjoon following suit, the omega got hold of his discarded clothes that were strewn all over the desk and some on the floor. Namjoon snaked his arms around Jimin's plump body, laying kisses on the back of his neck and on the mark, their scents were now mixed and Jimin just became more intoxicating to Namjoon.

"Should we tell Seokjin and Taehyung that we're engaged?" Jimin asked and Namjoon hummed against his skin "Or would you like to wait like we did with Sungwoon's gender?" Namjoon agreed with the first choice, somehow excited to tell them that they are mates now.

Jimin traced the tattoos on Namjoon's forearm, always so entranced at how amazing the art looked on his skin, Namjoon cups his face making Jimin stand on his toes to give him a kiss 

"This is the best thing that has happened in my life." Jimin admits, still looking down at his tattoos and he notices a fairly different one "What? When was this?" Jimin holds Namjoon's forearm that had a daisy imprinted on it 

"I've never seen this before." He gives Namjoon a sly look "I got it for you so that I can remember you whenever I happen to see it in the mirror." Namjoon replies, putting Jimin's shirt back on to cover his naked frame 

"It represents you." He poked the omega's nose before he puts on his own shirt "Let's go home, I miss our baby."

Namjoon unlocked the apartment door and they were engulfed by the smell of pancakes that lead to the kitchen, the couple head towards the room and see that Seokjin was cooking while Taehyung was feeding Sungwoon who is sat on the high chair.

"Hey guys," Jimin calls their attention "Sungwoon, your parents are home." Taehyung said to the baby who just sputters out the food, making a mess on his bib "You look like you had a great night, you didn't even come home nor call." Seokjin cocked a brow and smirked 

"We did, such an amazing night, right Baby?" Namjoon rubbed Jimin's shoulders, smiling fondly at him before he took over with feeding Sungwoon "Hyungie, Jimin smells," Taehyung paused as he sniffs "He smells like Namjoon Hyung and Namjoon Hyung smells like Jimin!" the couple chuckles at the omega's reaction 

"I- We-" Jimin stuttered, unable to comprehend words that can describe the wonderful night, Seokjin turns off the stove and pulled at the younger omega's shirt "I knew it." Seokjin boasts when he sees the mark and Jimin just stares at him "I'm happy for you." Seokjin hugs him, taking in Jimin's scent that was now blended with Namjoon's 

"That's not the only thing we did," Namjoon hints "Oh! You finally made a sibling for Sungwoon!" Taehyung assumes quickly "No! But we did- Anyway!" Jimin cuts himself off, holding his hand out for his friends to see the silver band that wrapped around his ring finger 

"You're getting married!" Seokjin and Taehyung cheered in unison as they tackled Jimin in a group hug "I'll leave you three to talk, I'm gonna take Sungwoon out for some fresh air, would you like that little one?" the baby gurgles in response and that was enough for Namjoon "Outside it is then, just let Papa shower and I'll get you changed."

 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Namjoon was pushing Sungwoon's stroller as he walked in the park together with Jackson, BamBam and Jungkook "Isn't this nice little one?" Jackson talked to the baby who was busying himself with his teether 

"He can't talk yet, idiot." Jackson mutters and Bambam slapped Jungkook's arm "Control your boyfriend, Jackson." Jungkook said while BamBam sticks his tongue out like a child "How many kids are with us?" Namjoon asks Jackson as they stopped underneath a shaded area 

"Sungwoon is behaving well, it's these two that aren't." Jackson pointed at Jungkook and BamBam who were still bickering 

"They're the same age so it makes sense." Namjoon shrugs and Jackson takes out a picnic blanket from Namjoon's backpack, spreading it out on the lush green grass while Namjoon takes the basket from under Sungwoon's stroller and unbuckled Sungwoon from it so he can settle down on the soft blanket.

"Is our little baby hungry again?" BamBam cooed, finally ending his bickering with Jungkook when he got to play with Sungwoon "Oh yes you are!" BamBam continued as he went through the basket for soft biscuits he can snack on.

"I proposed to Jimin last night," Namjoon brings up as he laid down on the ground, it was only him and Jacskon now because BamBam and Jungkook took Sungwoon to the nearby playground 

"And he said "Yes"." Namjoon closes his eyes, taking in the sunlight "I marked him, I want to spend my life with him." Jackson choked on his soda upon hearing the word "marked" coming from Namjoon's mouth 

"You're really fucking in love," he pops a chip into his mouth "You were always so scared of this because you always had doubts that you're going to fuck up the relationship but look at you now," he claps his hands 

"You're engaged to a beautiful omega, you have a kid, and all those years you always said you were going to end up alone, you were always to pessimistic in regards to relationships." Namjoon opens his eyes, leaning up on his elbows 

"You're right, I never really thought all of this amazing things could happen to me." He ponders, thinking back to all the times he's spent with Jimin and Sungwoon.

"I've never seen you this confident and happy, being with Jimin does wonders," Jackson chuckles yet continues 

"It's like you guys were meant to be together because of your emotional similarities." Namjoon turns to look at him curious as to what he meant by it

"You and Jimin were both insecure and lacked confidence, you two always doubted yourselves but together, you build each other up. You help him with his insecurities by always reassuring him that's he's beautiful in your eyes and he helps you with your confidence, always praising your works, no matter how big or small it is." 

Jackson gushed out and Namjoon nodded because his friend is right about it and his heart swells at the realization.

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