The witch talked about Katherine, who was still in the tomb, but visited by Damon earlier. "Yup", the vampire replied smirking. "You were right, Icy. I'm not gonna dagger him. Thanks for the warning." The Salvatore sent a wink to his friend, who smiled happily. "Good", she replied before leaving the room.

The raven haired looked at Alaric next to him and shrugged his shoulders. "You shouldn't have lied to her", the teacher told his friend with seriousness in his voice. He felt sad for the girl who was one of the few good friends Damon had. "Maybe. But she'll understand as soon as I finished", the vampire answered, totally convinced by his plan. He didn't want to hurt his friend, yet he had to protect Elena, which seemed only possible for him without a original with them.

"You know, this is a bad idea. Not to mention that you're killing the man Jarla obviously cares about", Alaric continued worried. "There's no such thing as bad idea, just poorly executed awesome ones. Here", the Salvatore handed a drink to his friend, who shook his head. "No. I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house with Jenna." Damon sighed. "Jenna's perfectly safe. Besides, it's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless", he explained his few and shrug his shoulders. "Just a fact-finding mission?", the Saltzman asked. "Yeah."

"Listen. No sneak attacks, no surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna in harm's way, okay?", the teacher made sure with crossed arms. "Scout'a honor", the raven haired replied before putting his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Alright, but let me remind you of the words from the centuries old girl that knows the enemy better than anyone else. Katherine will lie. It's stupid not to fill her in."
Damon shrugged his shoulders, then he winked at the man in front of him. "Let that be my problem."

"I'm gonna puke", Jarla mumbled after Jenna opened the door, only for them to see John Gilbert

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"I'm gonna puke", Jarla mumbled after Jenna opened the door, only for them to see John Gilbert. "Don't ruin the expensive carpets", Damon replied with a smirk. "Who invited him?", the Sommers asked annoyed, so the vampire rolled his eyes and walked closer. "John. What a surprise. Leave." The witch grinned at her friend who made some gestures to their undesirable guest, as a sign to leave the house. "Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party with Elijah. I decided I couldn't miss out on the fun games", the Gilbert explained, earning a groan from the silver haired across from him. The girl crossed her arms and sent an ironic smile to Jenna. "Looks like you invited him."

Jenna sighed and left the two men. "I shouldn't have mentioned", she muttered to the Sawyer, who nodded and put a hand on the woman's shoulder, before the Sommers went back to Andie. "There are not gonna be any games tonight, John. It's just a friendly dinner party", Alaric spoke up after he walked to the three and sent a glance to Jarla, who nodded agreeing. "Right", John muttered while shrugging his shoulders, then he looked at the raven haired who put up his hands. "What he said."

Later the doorbell rang again, so Jarla decided to stand up and go for it, followed by Damon. "Hello Elijah", she greeted the original on the other side of the door after opening it, a smile on her pink lips. "Jarla dearest", the old vampire replied smiling before kissing the girl's hand on its back. "Good evening", he then said to the Salvatore, who smirked. "Thank you for coming. Please come in", he invited the man. "Just one moment", Elijah spoke, which leaded the silver haired to furrow her eyebrows. "Can I just say that if you have less-than honourable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider", the Mikaelson mentioned with a glance to the witch, who knew exactly what he talked about, after all she informed him about the dagger.

"No, nothing dishonourable. Just, uh, getting to know you", the raven haired explained with a smirk, which leaded the man in the suit to chuckle amused. "That's good", he replied smiling, then he stepped into the house. "Yeah."
"Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal...if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Damon and Jarla gulped, knowing that the original kept his word. They shared a small glance but the witch rolled her eyes. "Please start with John so I can see him dying before I do myself", she spoke up, earning a grin from Elijah. "I wasn't taking about you", he informed her amused, only to get a chuckle from her. "I know", she answered smiling, then she bumped her elbow playfully into his side. "Lighten up. This will be funny."

With a big smile the silver haired went into the dinner room, where the others already waited and left the two vampires alone. "Are we clear?", the Mikaelson repeated his earlier words and Damon nodded after sending a sad look to his way too happy friend. "Crystal."

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