Chapter 4

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I just want to let everyone know that I after this chapter I won't be updating for a week because I'm going to be really busy.

Anyhow, finally a slasher has come into the story! Freddy Krueger will be in this chapter, I'm sorry that it is taking a while for the slashers to come in but I don't want to dive right into the slashers, I want to explain things properly first!

Anyways, I'll shut up now. Enjoy!

(Y/N) found herself in a jungle of metal pipes-a boiler room to be exact.

"Where am I?" (Y/N) questioned herself. She walked around to see if anyone was present

"Hello? Is anyone here?" (Y/N) called, dodging a metal pipe that almost smacked her in the face. "Hello?!"

(Y/N) walked further down a hallway to only to be faced with a dead-end.

"Shit!" (Y/N) cried, slamming her fist on the wall.

Then all of a sudden, she heard a noise, it sounded like metal scraping against metal. She whipped around to find that no one was there.

"Stop it (Y/N) you're just scaring yourself," (Y/N) said, a hint of anxiousness was evident in her tone.

Then she heard it again, the scraping noise. This time when she turned around she saw a man. He had a striped red and green sweater, a fedora, finger knives and his skin was badly burned. (Y/N) tilted her head to the side, examining the man. She had a feeling that she was supposed to fear him and run away, but she wasn't scared. She felt her heart twist with sympathy at the sight of seeing the man being burned from head to toe.

"Are you okay?" (Y/N) interrogated.

"Aren't you afraid? You should be running!" The man said.

"No, I'm not afraid. Your burned-what happened to you?" (Y/N) replied, with bewilderment.

The man examined her with bewilderment, who was this girl? How come she's not afraid? And she felt sympathy towards him, no one else ever did. He became eager to know more about her and why she didn't fear him.

"Parents of those shits burned me," he finally replied.

"But why?"

"Because I killed their kids,"

"Who are you?"

"Freddy Krueger,"

"Freddy Krueger, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." (Y/N) introduced herself with a smile.

"Why aren't you scared by me?" Freddy quizzed.

"I don't know, I'm not really scared of specific things."

"But I'm a slasher! I'm a f**king classic!"

"Slashers aren't scary to me,"


"Because every slasher has gone through something traumatic throughout their life which causes them to go psychotic and kill people. They want to get back at people for hurting them because it makes them feel better, therefore I feel more sympathy towards slashers rather than fear."

Freddy examined you and you wondered if he was going to do something. You wondered if he was going to slash you with those finger knives, he advanced closer raising his hand ready to slash.

"I don't care anymore, if you want to kill me then go for it. I've already lost everything I love, if anything it'll kill the pain I'm going through." (Y/N) said.

Suddenly Freddy stopped, and stared at you. You wondered why he hadn't already slashed you. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes before he finally spoke.

"What did you go through?"

"Well, my parents divorced and my Dad left without even saying goodbye. My Dad was like my best friend- we did everything together. Then to make matters worse Mum and I moved away from where I grew up. This included me losing my friends and childhood. We moved in with my Aunt who is surly towards me, she said it was because I reminded her of my father."

Freddy didn't know what to say, none of his victims had acted like this-they would just scream and frantically run away. But you were different, you weren't scared even when he was about to kill you. You had even encouraged him to kill you to get rid of your pain.

Suddenly, you felt your surroundings start to fade.

"What's happening?!" (Y/N) cried.

"I'll see you next time kitten," Freddy said.

Soon, your surroundings had faded only to wake up to (Y/A/N) ripping the blanket off of you and violently opening the blinds of your bedroom.

"Wake up you pile of filth!" (Y/A/N) yelled.

"Where's Mum?" (Y/N) quizzed, in a calmer manner than (Y/A/N).

"I found her a job, so she'll be working everyday from nine to eight. Which means I'm left with you; you're a little shit." (Y/A/N) snapped. "Now get up! And go wash the dishes!"

"When do I start school?"

"Tomorrow! Hurry up and wash the dishes before you get the belt!"

At the mention of the belt (Y/N) immediately scurried downstairs to wash the dishes, last thing she wanted was to be beaten to death with a belt by her Aunt.

As long as she did was she was told and didn't do anything wrong she wouldn't get the belt, she would just have to be careful.

The Weeping Wolf (Slashers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now