Chapter 5

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Author's note:

Eeh, i couldn't wait, so here you go, new chapter today. That means no chapter tomorrow. :)

(Belle's POV)

"Belle.." My mother almost whispered and got down on her knees. She got a coughing fit, and i swear i saw blood on the hand she coughed in. She lifted up her head, so she was looking into my eyes. Even though she was trying to hide it, i saw fear and pain in her eyes. She looked like she was begging for her life, but i knew that she was begging for the exact opposite thing. She suddenly pointed behind me, against her bag.

"Hand me my bag.." She said and i grabbed it in a rush. I ran back to her and watched her take a little box out of her bag. She opened it and i recognized a syringe with a liquid, that looked like water but was a bit thicker. It also began to smell bad, when my mother took it out, so i was sure it wasn't water. Then suddenly, before i could have asked her what it was, she stuck the syringe into her elbow bend and pushed all the liquid into her veins. She gasped silently and i saw that her eyelids became heavier.

"Mom, what was that?" I asked feverish and took the syringe away from her.

"I don't want to become one of them.." She said and layed down, resting her head on her bag.

"Mother, what was is?!" I almost yelled now, and i felt my cheeks burning a little.

"Just some strong ethanol." I didn't know what ethanol was. Well, of course i've heard about it, but i couldn't remember what it did, and that made me frustrated.

"What does it do?" I said and shook her a little, when i saw her closing her eyes. She opened her eyes, enough for me to see part of her pupils. My mother opened her mouth, but a few seconds went past before she said anything.

"You'll be on your own from now on. Take care. W.I.C.K.E.D." She paused and continued: "Stay away from them. They're dangerous." I stopped listening, when i heard the word W.I.C.K.E.D. I didn't hear the rest of what my mother said, and i wouldn't get to know, because then she shut her eyes. I kept calling her name, but i got no response. I tried to check her pulse rate, but i wasn't able to feel anything. I shook her and tried to open her eyes, to look after lifesigns, but that was unsuccessfully. I tried to give her heart massage, but i didn't know how to do it. And then i just gave up, almost drowning in my own tears. I sat on my knees and looked at her completely lifeless body. And then we became i. Forever.

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