Chapter 4

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(Thomas' POV)

Our trip was very quiet. No one dared to say anything to Newt, so we just minded our own business and tried to get some rest. I heard whispering here and there, but nothing from Newt. He just sat by the helicopter window and looked out as if he was frozen. I felt bad for him, but also for myself. I knew Annabelle and she was also my friend. I looked at Newt, who sometimes ran a hand through his sweaty hair. I felt like saying something to my broken best friend, but i knew it was for the best, if we just left him alone for a few moments.

We had just stepped out of the helicopter, when five guards covered in secured clothes (looking like they were about to walk into war) came out of the huge building. In front of them was a man with grey hair and a little beard, wearing normal clothes. There was something about him, something i didn't like, and when he tried to smile, i felt like i had to puke.

"Welcome. I hope you had a nice trip to here. I'm Janson." The weird man said and it was obvious that he made an effort to sound comfortable. I'm pretty sure he was that kind of guy, who wasn't normally a nice person, but his "boss" commanded him to act nice. Janson turned around and signaled us to follow him, so we did with the guards behind us. We walked into the building and walked down long corridors.

"We are your safety. You are safe here. We will protect you and make sure those evil creators of the Maze won't find you guys again." He said while walking, but something in his voice changed when he said "evil creators of the Maze" and he didn't convince me.

We walked past many doors and blurry windows. It was all very mysterious.

Janson stopped in front of two doors and pointed at them.

"You will be sleeping and resting in here. You will find bunk beds in there. Two persons per bunk bed. You will get to decide which one you want to sleep in. We have to split you up, because there's not a whole lot of space in one room. But for now, let's get going." Janson said and started to walk again.

As curious as i am, i couldn't help but ask him about the place and the things he had told us.

I wanted to get convinced, that we were safe and all the nightmares were over. That we were safe. But mostly, that we wouldn't get to lose more beloved friends.

The Crank Experiment 2 -  Betray the betrayers (Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now