Haunted School Caused by Minecraft Gaming

Start from the beginning

"Omg Ruki...." Imato said very shocked.

"I was raped by my father and beat by my mother. Okay? that's all I'm going to tell you. No further questions please!" Ruki said and put his shirt back on. He grabbed his bags and left the room. Imato then stopped Ruki.

"If you need anything Ruki, just call me and ask. I'll be happy to help you." Imato said and smiled. Ruki gave him a small smile.

~in the bathroom~

" 'sigh' where is the little bitch....." Aoi complained.

"Hey! That's my Ruki-babe your talking about here! Watch your language!" Reita said. Ruki finally walked in the bathroom. They were all standing there.

"Uhh.... I have to change my clothes." Ruki said looking at the impatience of the guys. Ruki went into a stall to change into a pair of black super skinny jeans, a white shirt with a black vest with it, and a pair of white sneakers. He had on earrings on each of his ears and he had on eyeliner around his eyes. He then put on a pair of glasses. He lost his contacts.

"Finished." Ruki said stepped out of the stall. Reita looked at Ruki and licked his lips seductively. Ruki brushed his hair out of his face but it went back on his face. He grunted. Kai peaked out of the bathroom. Still teachers leaving. He closed the bathroom door.

"Still teachers leaving." Kai said. Once he turned around he saw Reita and Ruki making out. "RUKI TAKANORI AND REITA SUZUKI!!!!!" Kai yelled. Ruki pulled off of Reita.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat???" Ruki complained sounding very annoyed.

"Stop it... do that later..." Kai said. Ruki rolled his eyes. The bathroom lights suddenly shut down. Ruki tried opening the door, but it won't open.

"Uhhh.... we are locked in here." Ruki said. "Anyone got a bobby pin?" He asked. Uruha hand one to Ruki. He knelt down on one knee and began playing with the lock. Sooner or later the door finally unlocked. He opened the door and saw that the hallway lights were off.

"Shit! How are we gonna see?!" Aoi asked. Ruki shrugged.

"Flashlight!!" Uruha saw a flashlight on the floor.

"We have to go to the janitors closet to turn the lights back on." Reita said. They followed him to the janitors closet. He opened it and saw a bunch of light switched. Then, he saw a switch that said to hall ways. He flipped the switch, but the lights won't turn on.

"Uh oh......" Reita said while still trying. "No lights....." Ruki grabbed the flashlight and walked down the hall. They followed. Suddenly, they heard a noise... more likely a creepy gargle growl-ish sound.

"W-what was that?!" Uruha said and hid behind the short male, Ruki.

"Damn... you act like hiding behind me is gonna help, Uru.. do you see how fucking short I am??" Ruki said. They all laughed.

"-cough- midget -cough-" Aoi said making fun of Ruki. Ruki walked over to Aoi and kicked his leg. "Itai!!!!" He yelled.

"Call me a midget again, I'll kill you!" He fussed and walked back to where he was. Reita then stood behind Ruki and grabbed his behind.

"Was that necessary to do right now?" Ruki said and eyed Reita. Ruki interwind fingers with Reita and they began walking up to the second floor. They were looking for the noise that they heard. Suddenly, the noise became moans. Scary moans....

"I don't want to die like this...I don't want to die like this...I don't want to die like this...." Uruha repeated over and over.

"Ducky, it's okay....calm down... I'm with you." Aoi said and smiled. Uruha smiled back. Reita and Ruki were still holding hands. They came to a stop. Ruki squinted his eyes. He saw something just standing there. Not moving at all... But then the guy that was standing there moved one step closer. He was a blocked figure and had glowing white eyes. He was smiling an kept smiling and had blood on his shirt, pants, and some on his face. He moved another step.

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