Chapter twelve: Fighting friends and knight in soaking armor.

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While she held her nose I glared at her.

"Don't. fucking. touch. me." I said through gritted teeth.

And with that I opened the door amd ran to my car and sped down the road to the park where I finally let the tears fall.


***Mackenzi's POV***

Dammit. I am such a bitch I deserve that punch and way worse.

How could I have said that, I know she was trying to help me but when I get mad I just start yelling shit and don't really think about them until I say them.

Ugh. She hates me right now and the worst part is that I deserve it!

I always ruin everything, I ruined my family, And now I ruined the friendship woth the girl that has been with me through thick and thin.

I slide down the door and start sobbing.

"No Mackenzi, stop crying. You don't even get to feel sorry for yourself because its all your fault. Its always your fault" I say to myself wiping away my tears harshly.

What makes me feel worse is that its not true. She is not whinny she was in that abusive relationship but not once did she whine about it, she was so strong and that asshole broke her and now that she was was getting better I had to go and break her again.

Gosh, what have I done? we were each others rock and not once did she fail me, she was the most supportive best friend I have ever had and I not only screamed at her for trying to help but also said that she deserved what happened to her.

Even yesterday when I talked to the bitch, she was there for me, I cried on her fucking shoulder! I don't deserve having her as a friend.

And where is she right now? Is she okay? Is she alone? When is she coming back? Is she even coming back?

I ask all this questions to myself but I don't have answers to any of them because we have never had serious arguments, I mean sure we argue but never like this.

Its been two hours. TWO fucking hours and she still hasn't come back. What if something happened to her?

Ohh Kat where are you?


***Katerina's POV***

On the whole ride toward the park I am already sobbing.

Is it true? Did I deserve it?

I don't even know if it was my fault or not but what hurts me the most is that my best friend, my own family thinks that I deserve it.

"Best day ever" I say out loud with a humorless laugh.

I get to the park and its deserted which I am glad, I don't want somebody I know to see me like this.

I get out of the car and walk to a bench and sit on it.

I start thinking about everything, How I was before Dayton and how I was when I started dating him. I also started thinking about how I was when he started hitting me and how I was when I met Mackenzi.

Then it started raining and alot.

"Greattt" I mutter to myself.

I keep crying and then I hear the sound of footsteps behind me.

I am going to get killed, what do I do? should I run? hide?

My panic filled thoughts are interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.

"Ahhhh" I start screaming and he covers my mouth.

How do I know its a guy? His hands duuh!

"Shhh, I am not going to hurt you" The mystery guy says.

I roll my eyes...Thats what they all say.

"I am going to take my hand out of your mouth, please don't scream" the mystery guys says.

I nod quickly.

He takes his hand out and walks around the bench to sit beside me.

When I see him. I am stunned, he is fucking HOT!

He has a Strong jaw line, high cheek bones beautiful brown eyes and brown hair and I can see through his soaked shirt that its sticking to his body that he is strong.

"Whats your name?" he asks.

"Katerina, what's yours?

"Landon, so whats a beautiful lady doing here when its raining cats and dogs?"

I shrug, "Had a fight with my roommate"

"Ohh that sucks" he says. Then frowns "Were you planning on sleeping in the park"

"Hell no, do you know how many bugs they are in here?" He sighs in relieve " was going to sleep in my car"

He gives me a wide eyed look.

"Katerina, there is no way I am letting you sleep in there, c'mon" he says, standing up and waiting holding out a hand for me.

I take it and stand up.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"My house" he shrugs.

"What? no Landon, I can't go to your house! what about your mom?" I say

He shrugs again "I bring girls home all the time, my mom is used to it" he says rolling his eyes.

"Landon, she is going to think I am a whore" I say with a horrified expression.

He waves me off "Don't worry. I'll tell her I found you in the park" he says with a smile.

"I don't think thats any better" I say rolling my eyes.

"I'll just say you are my friend and you need a place to stay for the night"

I sigh "okay but she better not think I am one of your one night stands" i say with a pointed look

He smiles widely but ignores my statement "lets go, we can get your car tomorrow"

I smile "Lead the way"


Again, I know the ending is sudden but next chapter will start where this one left of :)

So? You like?

Do you guys like Landon? He is NOT going to be in love with Rina or Kenzi, he is just a friend :)

And I was thinking that when I finish this story I could make a spin off about Landon, its really good I already have an idea. Should I?:)

This story is not ending there is still lots of chapters yet :)


Laters, baby


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